Whilst all eyes are on the next General elections the stage is being set for the next UMNO general assembly, where the signal for Muhyiddin's exit is being set.
The Mahahtir camp is busy working out the strategy for this shift and the Muhyiddin camp is fully aware of this danger so both sides are preparing for battle - after the battle to wrest the government of this country.
Win or lose it is rumoured that the BN will seize power, if they seize power after losing they reckon this process will be much easier in an emergency like situation, where Najib will remove Muhyiddin in favour of his not so intelligent cousin Hishamuddin Hussein Onn the stop gap deputy, and then get Mukhriz to step into his shoes by giving Hishamuddin a position outside the Federal Cabinet.
The recent talk about Mukhriz going for the position of Menteri Besar of Kedah was initiated by the Muhyiddin camp in an effort to force Mukhriz into accepting it to take Kedah out of Pakatan Rakyat's control, and then neutralise Mukhriz' ambitions for Muhyiddin's position, the plan seems to have backfired, because according to our sources Mahahtir Mohammed smelt the rat as soon as he got the news and got UMNO to immediately go into damage control and deny it before it got too big. Remember this item was reported in the government backed print media, both the suggestion and the denial.
There is talk about moving Muhyddin back to Johor as Menteri Besar, and the excuse will be that UMNO and BN is losing ground in this their strongest state.Muhyiddin will be touted as the right person to handle the job and the entire supreme council will be directed to back the plan, many of its members have already been approached.
The intrigue in UMNO today is greater than the the intrigue in the forbidden city during the last days of Chinese Emperors, it is a sure sign of the decline of UMNO, it's a 'dog eat dog' situation according to an UMNO vetran, "never before in the history of UMNO, not since Razak went for the Tengku in 1969, nor in 1977 when Mahahtir went for Hussein Onn in proxy be unleashing his pet Sulaiman Palestine - the then UMNO information chief has UMNO gone int such dirty politics," said this UMNO vetran whose son is a very successful Malay and UMNO sponsored businessman.
"This will be played dirtier than when Mahathir cheated in the 1987 UMNO elections and supposedly won the elections, he knew he lost so he got the judiciary into a mess, if the appeal then had gone through unhindered and without government intervention, it would have been a totally different Malaysia today, totally different, maybe not so many foreigners in our country," said this gentleman who now resides in Penang.
"Probably we will not be sitting here for a drink it could have well been in a hotel in town this may not even have been built, and I would have been able to enjoy my scotch in the open like we used to before," he said in between sips after dinner in a place at the Straits Quay.
On the other front, Muhyiddin has asked his camp to play low key, if anything has to be unleashed against Najib and his "mentor" it has to be sudden and at a crucial time in UMNO that there will not be an opportunity for the Mahathirian camp to fight back, "it should be swift and decisive, there will be no turning back, " Muhyiddin was quoted as having said.
Muhyiddin is very uncomfortable with Mahathir , and he has to watch every step he takes, he can't have his plans leaked, he seems to be doing fine on that score, but you can never tell in UMNO as Mahathir is famous for buying out UMNO boys to get what he wants, and there are people in Johor UMNO who are willing to align with Mahathir in this war.
Mahahtir has the funds or at least the sources from which he can squeeze it out, Muhyiddin has his back agaisnt the wall, normally an UMNO deputy will be able to muster funds at will, but now after the Sharizat affair it has been made very difficult for him and in UMNO today as it was during the good old days of Mike Tyson it's money that talks, not Bahasa Melayu, but money talk, in UMNO Bahasa Melayu is for showtime at the assembly, it is not understood only money is understood loud and clear in that party.
Others may support you only on condition that they'll be given a significant part in government and money machines if he wins, so it is an uphill task for Muhyiddin, but sources say he has a good following and can turn the tables-money politics or not.
The not so intelligent Hishamuddin does not have enough money to spend so lavishly to win any position, he does not have the support of the grass roots to make himself invulnerable, so he goes the way of Mukhriz, whose father and siblings together with their cronies will outbid anyone on the scene, so Hisham will play the Mahathirian plan although he hates it, like his father he will be used by Mahathir as a stop gap premier and then moved out ungraciously.
Mukhriz has been rather quiet, he is said to be actually learning the ropes, and he is rather sure of himself in the seat of the prime minister in the next five years.
Mahahtir is rushing for Najib to call for the next elections and Najib is in no hurry, if he loses he will be out sooner rather than later, but Mahahtir is sure to secure the government by hook or by crook and Najib knows that, if he wins he will remain for another five year term.
On the other hand Najib is banking on the possibility that Mahahtir may not live till then and Rosmah may do a number on Mukhriz and get him out so there is no real hurry on the part of Najib.
What is cooking in the Mahahriian camp is so secretive that even Najib who is being directed by it does not know the real details, all he has to do is follow instructions, and for the time being he is not, not all instructions at least, this has given Muhyiddin some breathing room, with a divided Mahathirain camp he is fidning it easier to move as both Najib and Mukhriz look over their shoulders.
Trying to shut Anwar out is a Mahahtirian plan through and through which has the tacit support of all camps in UMNO, with Anwar out they feel they can sweep the next elections and live to fight out their own battles another day, but in politics you can never say, will Muhyiddin look at the other side in desperation.
In politics as we all know, "there are no permanent enemies and no permanent friends."
So whilst they are worried about Anwar they are busy at the same time planning their own strategies in this huge UMNO power struggle.
If UMNO wins we will have another government fighting shadows and not governing, so please cast your vote wisely, pakatan has proven in all states they have controlled that they are capable of serving the people, so there is no alternative.
Vote the Pakatan Rakyat.
Current affairs, human rights, justice with specific focus on Malaysia and where the world situation has a direct or indirect impact on the Malaysian political climate. Malaysians must never be told they are being "tolerated" when they exercise their constitutional rights, instead, the government of the day must respect their rights to do so.
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
HRP - An UMNO Trojan Horse Exposed
What I suspected since HINDRAF turned itself into a political party now is proven right, HINDRAF and especially Uthayakumar.
This blog once penned "Uthaya save the Indians - go for self immolation," that was in December of 2010, now we see how right we really were even then, read that and then read this.
If he is real Hindu why has he allowed the Police and the UMNO backed hooligans go and sell beef in front of Ambiga's house without even a word of objection, it is only because he is a Najib stooge, awaiting the big day at the expense of the very people he says he champions.
Yes, the HINDRAF was formed so that the likes of Uthaykumar could lobby with UMNO and claim that they had the majority Indian support in the country, and take over the role that would be vacated by Samy Veloo as at that time his time to vacate was nigh, and replace the MIC in the BN.
There was no other way for him to get into the MIC Samy would have made minced meat out of him so he had to get the Indians to rally behind him and HINDRAF, and now when you look at it, his plans become so glaringly apparent.
The best way to do it was to promise the Indians something that no one could ever give them and that was a million ringgit each, just imagine 1 million ringgit each what a windfall, many of them never even held ten thousand ringgit in their hands at any one given time and that was what they were asked to march to the British High Commission for.
Now and for what did not concern this BN government in any way the Government of Abdullah Ahmad Badawi went bersek and attacked the Indians with water cannons, tear gas and all. That angered so many Malaysians that in its aftermath - the last elections the government got a huge bashing, to a great extent on the sympathy of the way it treated the Indians at the HINDRAF rally, but if the HINDRAF thinks that was the main reason then they underestimate the intelligence of Malaysians, in the same way the BN did, after all they are partners now.
That HINDRAF with its rally and nothing else won so much sympathy of the Malaysians which cannot be denied, but if they are expecting this same sympathy from the government they are in for a bashing this time from the rakyat.
It is very clear now that HINDRAF is out there to reinstate UMNO as the kingpin in the state assembly in Selangor through its political vehicle the Hindu Rights Party (HRP) , their decision to stand in Selangor is a clear indication that all they want to do is to deliver Selangor to UMNO and then Uthaykumar will get what he wants, he will become a minister and the next Samy Veloo a minister through the back door, via the senate although it is very certain that the HRP will not win a single seat at the elections and Uthaya himself knows that and has secretly acknowledged it.
The only thing the Indians in this country have to realise is that these self seeking individuals who claim to champion their cause actually use these Indians (the Tamillians in particular) for their very own purposes and Uthaykumar is no exception, he is almost going to pull out a masterstroke and the Indians are going to receive another MIC like party in the government of the BN who will then dance according to the tune of the UMNO at the expense of ignorant Indian support.
HINDRAF may not come outright and join the BN that will be very difficult, but they will be what will be known as a BN friendly party just like the independents in the Perak state assembly today.
Never in the history of Malaysia have the Indians had better representation in government than they have today and yet when they have achieved it their very own people the HRP and the HINDRAF the movements that claim to champion their cause come to destroy it, claiming that the government of the State has done nothing for them, and they may be right.
It is only one term, the government cannot be looking at only one community, it has to look at the whole big picture, and that is what is important. To say that the government has not provided enough land for Hindu temples but instead took it and gave it to the Chinese is racial and typical of BN politics, HINDRAF is playing the racial card to confuse the issue just like the MCA and MIC have done for ages.
Indians will have to fight back, there is no future in being Indian first, it will not offer their children anything in the future, they have to think Malaysian first.
Pakatan has ruled Selangor for only one term, they have not desecrated or destroyed a single temple, on the other hand the Barisan and especially UMNO folk have, they have desecrated so many Hindu temples all over the country. Ask DP Vijandrean what the Attorney General of the time in the Kerling case accused him of when he defended a few Indians, DP was then an upcoming MIC star.
Today the Indians who are on the brink of a new era have to make a choice, go the Indian way and like Ostriches believe that it is only them with problems in the country or rise up and discard racist parties and come together under a Malaysian banner and as Malaysians stand up and fight this evil regime, and once and for all claim this, our nation back from cheats and self seeking individuals.
If the Indians make the choice to go the HINDRAF way there is only one result they can hope to achieve, continue to be the street sweepers, the office cleaners, the one ton truck lorry drivers and remain ignorant - the specialisation of the BN.
On the other hand they can join the mainstream Malaysians defeat this government as one people and prosper.
This blog once penned "Uthaya save the Indians - go for self immolation," that was in December of 2010, now we see how right we really were even then, read that and then read this.
If he is real Hindu why has he allowed the Police and the UMNO backed hooligans go and sell beef in front of Ambiga's house without even a word of objection, it is only because he is a Najib stooge, awaiting the big day at the expense of the very people he says he champions.
Yes, the HINDRAF was formed so that the likes of Uthaykumar could lobby with UMNO and claim that they had the majority Indian support in the country, and take over the role that would be vacated by Samy Veloo as at that time his time to vacate was nigh, and replace the MIC in the BN.
There was no other way for him to get into the MIC Samy would have made minced meat out of him so he had to get the Indians to rally behind him and HINDRAF, and now when you look at it, his plans become so glaringly apparent.
The best way to do it was to promise the Indians something that no one could ever give them and that was a million ringgit each, just imagine 1 million ringgit each what a windfall, many of them never even held ten thousand ringgit in their hands at any one given time and that was what they were asked to march to the British High Commission for.
Now and for what did not concern this BN government in any way the Government of Abdullah Ahmad Badawi went bersek and attacked the Indians with water cannons, tear gas and all. That angered so many Malaysians that in its aftermath - the last elections the government got a huge bashing, to a great extent on the sympathy of the way it treated the Indians at the HINDRAF rally, but if the HINDRAF thinks that was the main reason then they underestimate the intelligence of Malaysians, in the same way the BN did, after all they are partners now.
That HINDRAF with its rally and nothing else won so much sympathy of the Malaysians which cannot be denied, but if they are expecting this same sympathy from the government they are in for a bashing this time from the rakyat.
It is very clear now that HINDRAF is out there to reinstate UMNO as the kingpin in the state assembly in Selangor through its political vehicle the Hindu Rights Party (HRP) , their decision to stand in Selangor is a clear indication that all they want to do is to deliver Selangor to UMNO and then Uthaykumar will get what he wants, he will become a minister and the next Samy Veloo a minister through the back door, via the senate although it is very certain that the HRP will not win a single seat at the elections and Uthaya himself knows that and has secretly acknowledged it.
The only thing the Indians in this country have to realise is that these self seeking individuals who claim to champion their cause actually use these Indians (the Tamillians in particular) for their very own purposes and Uthaykumar is no exception, he is almost going to pull out a masterstroke and the Indians are going to receive another MIC like party in the government of the BN who will then dance according to the tune of the UMNO at the expense of ignorant Indian support.
HINDRAF may not come outright and join the BN that will be very difficult, but they will be what will be known as a BN friendly party just like the independents in the Perak state assembly today.
Never in the history of Malaysia have the Indians had better representation in government than they have today and yet when they have achieved it their very own people the HRP and the HINDRAF the movements that claim to champion their cause come to destroy it, claiming that the government of the State has done nothing for them, and they may be right.
It is only one term, the government cannot be looking at only one community, it has to look at the whole big picture, and that is what is important. To say that the government has not provided enough land for Hindu temples but instead took it and gave it to the Chinese is racial and typical of BN politics, HINDRAF is playing the racial card to confuse the issue just like the MCA and MIC have done for ages.
Indians will have to fight back, there is no future in being Indian first, it will not offer their children anything in the future, they have to think Malaysian first.
Pakatan has ruled Selangor for only one term, they have not desecrated or destroyed a single temple, on the other hand the Barisan and especially UMNO folk have, they have desecrated so many Hindu temples all over the country. Ask DP Vijandrean what the Attorney General of the time in the Kerling case accused him of when he defended a few Indians, DP was then an upcoming MIC star.
Today the Indians who are on the brink of a new era have to make a choice, go the Indian way and like Ostriches believe that it is only them with problems in the country or rise up and discard racist parties and come together under a Malaysian banner and as Malaysians stand up and fight this evil regime, and once and for all claim this, our nation back from cheats and self seeking individuals.
If the Indians make the choice to go the HINDRAF way there is only one result they can hope to achieve, continue to be the street sweepers, the office cleaners, the one ton truck lorry drivers and remain ignorant - the specialisation of the BN.
On the other hand they can join the mainstream Malaysians defeat this government as one people and prosper.
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Ambiga and Irene - A case of selective bullying of Indians
The UMNO led government is now selectively targeting Indians to demonstrate their powers and try and create a significant divide in an effort to force Malay unity, it has always been the cornerstone of UMNO to portray a race as the bogeyman and then try and get the rest to unite under their radical racialist banner so that they can win elections, rule the nation and rob the rakyat.
The selection of Ambiga and Irene are significant cases, why use the sedition act against Irene and not against Ibrahim Ali?
The reason is so obvious Irene does not serve their purpose, Irene makes things rather difficult for them, in fact extremely difficult, it is hard to face the truth and when faced by the truth, this UMNO led politicians just can't accept it.
How can they anyway? When UMNO thrives on cheating, cheats are always against the truth so Irene is seen as sabotaging their cheating activities and that is what it is all about with almost everyone who points out their wrongdoings even people in their own camp and Ong Tee Keat is a classic example.
On the other hand Ibrahim Ali is serves their purpose he does just what they want, he is the main driver of the so called, "Ketuanan Melayu" which is actually, "Ketuanan Umnoputra."
With Ambiga it is because she is an Indian as well, if they take on the Malays leaders and supporters or berish they will face the wrath of all the Malays, and they are already threatened by loss of Malay support, the pen they say is mightier than the sword, so to take on Pa Samad will be political suicide, he is respected by aqll quarters of Malays his literary works are respected by the whole cross section of Malaysians, he is an icon of pride to the Malays, and none of the present day living UMNO leaders can match him in that depratment.
Having said that I am not saying they should take on the Malay leaders of Bersih, they have no case against these people, again here it is a case of feeling terribly uncomfortable with the exposition of the truth, so to make an example to stifle any further revelations from any party they pick on Ambiga and Irene both Indians, because they know that neither the MIC or the HINDRAF will dare raise the issue, these tow parties are literally fed by UMNO and let me now go into the details.
MIC of course as we all have known for a very long time works under the direction of UMNO, it has no voice, no voice at all, if it seems to have a voice it is UMNO's voice echoed by Indian men who are supposedly Indian leaders clad in White Vaishtees who claim to represent the Indians.
In the case of HINDRAF we have to dig a little further to understand the issue.
Everyone knew that Samy's days were coming to an end, every Indian also knew that whoever succeeds Samy would come from the MIC aqnd he would literally be nominated and elected by Samy, that was the extent of Samy Veloo's control on MIC.
Anyone else hoping to take control of the Indians via MIC had sub zero chances, and that is no exaggeration
so the best way to do it was to demonstrate to the government that they indeed had the support if the Indians in the country, and that is what set the HINDRAF machinery into action.
In the pipe dream was a plan to push Samy and his supporter aside and fill that vacuum with their ranks.
HINDRAF was responsible in a very big way for the poor showing by the BN at the last elections, it exposed Badawi, it made many people believe that the Indians were the only marginalised community in this country without even realizing that the real natives who are termed "Bumiputra" were more marginalised then the Indians.
Look at the natives of East Malaysia, look at the Senoi, the Orang Laut and the rest they are significantly marginalized and when you compare them with the Indians no one can really and honestly claim that the Indians are marginalised in this country, that there are segments of Indians who are marginalised is true but this marginalisation is due to the Indians themselves and their representation in the Barisan Nasional.
Look at rural Malays in Kelantan, Kedah and many other states who choose to differ with this government and you'll see the Malay marginalised as well.
In ratio of population if one were to consider professionals in Malaysian societym the Indians are equal if not better off than all the the other races, look at the doctors, engineers, lawyers, CEO's of Companies Indians stand out.
There are pressing needs in this community that no can cares a damn about, Tamil schools being the most glaring of all, it is the cradle of Indian marginalisation, and who is it that wants it there?
I have dealt enough with this topic on this blog, I'll not go into the details, except to ask if HINDRAF or MIC has the ability to turn at least fifty percent of the Tamil Schools into independent schools going up to upper secondary level like the Chinese schools.
Are there sufficient Tamils in this country willing to walk the talk?
That is not the solution anyway, it will only breed division amongst the races closing the schools down will be the best option, concentrating on teaching Tamil in regular schools will be the best option for the Tamils who feel so much about the language.
The Tamils in this country must realise that the sooner they become more Malaysian and less Tamil the better it will be for them and the nation as a whole.
Najib has read the HINDRAF plan,he very well coudl have been behindthe plan all this while, now he is wooing HINDRAF, as soon as its members applied to register a political party it was registered, the 'Makal Sakthy Party," dubbed by it's leadership as the, "only Indian based multiracial party," it was apporved.
Indian based "multiracial party?
Today with that registration of the Makal Sakthy party, parliamentary seats are the objective of the party.
HINDRAF's big plan to get the British to compensate the children of Indian indentured labourers one million ringgit per head as long been cast aside, that was the magic that brought the Indians to HINDRAF, it has served it's purpose, the leadership has won the confidence of that sector of Indians and now they are using it for the political mileage - using that support to blackmail Pakatan into political suicide by demanding Parliamentary seats.
To get into favour of UMNO and the BN they are now being used by Najib as the spoiler for the Pakaktan vote, this excercise is clearly a BN strategy, as the HINDRA leadership calls on Anwar to meet the Indians to demand seats.
Their demand of seats not one or two but much more that 10 from Anwar is a clear indication of their intent- sabotage.
How do they expect to win on the ticket of an "Indian" party? There is not one single constituency in the entire country with an Indian majority and at the last elections the number of Indians who secured both Parliamentary and state seats in Parliament set a record since Independence, not because they were Indians but because they were Malaysians, they stood on as members of multiracial parties.
Whilst the Pakatan is talking about a multiracial platform the HINDRAF pretending to align itself with the Pakatan is coming in on a racial platform, they should not be welcome.
Now leaving all that aside these champions of Indian marginalization have been very quiet in the wake of what has happened to Ambiga, and the selling of Beef burgers at her doorstep, the Police tacitly supported this act of intimidation so too did the Prime Minsiter by his very silence.
The Kuala Lumpur CID chief's statement that Irene Fernandez may be probed under the Sedition Act, when everything else said by the likes of Ibrahim Ali, and even others in government that could have easily fallen under this category when unnoticed proves this selective intimidation and bullying of Indians by the Police and the government.
There is selective Indian bashing practiced by UMNO and that is no joke and almost every Indian in politics today knows that, but what happened to the the two parties who are supposed to represent the Indians.
Would UMNO have been quiet if Indian's went in front of Najib's house and started preparing hamburgers? Incidentally "ham" is pork?
The selection of Ambiga and Irene are significant cases, why use the sedition act against Irene and not against Ibrahim Ali?
The reason is so obvious Irene does not serve their purpose, Irene makes things rather difficult for them, in fact extremely difficult, it is hard to face the truth and when faced by the truth, this UMNO led politicians just can't accept it.
How can they anyway? When UMNO thrives on cheating, cheats are always against the truth so Irene is seen as sabotaging their cheating activities and that is what it is all about with almost everyone who points out their wrongdoings even people in their own camp and Ong Tee Keat is a classic example.
On the other hand Ibrahim Ali is serves their purpose he does just what they want, he is the main driver of the so called, "Ketuanan Melayu" which is actually, "Ketuanan Umnoputra."
With Ambiga it is because she is an Indian as well, if they take on the Malays leaders and supporters or berish they will face the wrath of all the Malays, and they are already threatened by loss of Malay support, the pen they say is mightier than the sword, so to take on Pa Samad will be political suicide, he is respected by aqll quarters of Malays his literary works are respected by the whole cross section of Malaysians, he is an icon of pride to the Malays, and none of the present day living UMNO leaders can match him in that depratment.
Having said that I am not saying they should take on the Malay leaders of Bersih, they have no case against these people, again here it is a case of feeling terribly uncomfortable with the exposition of the truth, so to make an example to stifle any further revelations from any party they pick on Ambiga and Irene both Indians, because they know that neither the MIC or the HINDRAF will dare raise the issue, these tow parties are literally fed by UMNO and let me now go into the details.
MIC of course as we all have known for a very long time works under the direction of UMNO, it has no voice, no voice at all, if it seems to have a voice it is UMNO's voice echoed by Indian men who are supposedly Indian leaders clad in White Vaishtees who claim to represent the Indians.
In the case of HINDRAF we have to dig a little further to understand the issue.
Everyone knew that Samy's days were coming to an end, every Indian also knew that whoever succeeds Samy would come from the MIC aqnd he would literally be nominated and elected by Samy, that was the extent of Samy Veloo's control on MIC.
Anyone else hoping to take control of the Indians via MIC had sub zero chances, and that is no exaggeration
so the best way to do it was to demonstrate to the government that they indeed had the support if the Indians in the country, and that is what set the HINDRAF machinery into action.
In the pipe dream was a plan to push Samy and his supporter aside and fill that vacuum with their ranks.
HINDRAF was responsible in a very big way for the poor showing by the BN at the last elections, it exposed Badawi, it made many people believe that the Indians were the only marginalised community in this country without even realizing that the real natives who are termed "Bumiputra" were more marginalised then the Indians.
Look at the natives of East Malaysia, look at the Senoi, the Orang Laut and the rest they are significantly marginalized and when you compare them with the Indians no one can really and honestly claim that the Indians are marginalised in this country, that there are segments of Indians who are marginalised is true but this marginalisation is due to the Indians themselves and their representation in the Barisan Nasional.
Look at rural Malays in Kelantan, Kedah and many other states who choose to differ with this government and you'll see the Malay marginalised as well.
In ratio of population if one were to consider professionals in Malaysian societym the Indians are equal if not better off than all the the other races, look at the doctors, engineers, lawyers, CEO's of Companies Indians stand out.
There are pressing needs in this community that no can cares a damn about, Tamil schools being the most glaring of all, it is the cradle of Indian marginalisation, and who is it that wants it there?
I have dealt enough with this topic on this blog, I'll not go into the details, except to ask if HINDRAF or MIC has the ability to turn at least fifty percent of the Tamil Schools into independent schools going up to upper secondary level like the Chinese schools.
Are there sufficient Tamils in this country willing to walk the talk?
That is not the solution anyway, it will only breed division amongst the races closing the schools down will be the best option, concentrating on teaching Tamil in regular schools will be the best option for the Tamils who feel so much about the language.
The Tamils in this country must realise that the sooner they become more Malaysian and less Tamil the better it will be for them and the nation as a whole.
Najib has read the HINDRAF plan,he very well coudl have been behindthe plan all this while, now he is wooing HINDRAF, as soon as its members applied to register a political party it was registered, the 'Makal Sakthy Party," dubbed by it's leadership as the, "only Indian based multiracial party," it was apporved.
Indian based "multiracial party?
Today with that registration of the Makal Sakthy party, parliamentary seats are the objective of the party.
HINDRAF's big plan to get the British to compensate the children of Indian indentured labourers one million ringgit per head as long been cast aside, that was the magic that brought the Indians to HINDRAF, it has served it's purpose, the leadership has won the confidence of that sector of Indians and now they are using it for the political mileage - using that support to blackmail Pakatan into political suicide by demanding Parliamentary seats.
To get into favour of UMNO and the BN they are now being used by Najib as the spoiler for the Pakaktan vote, this excercise is clearly a BN strategy, as the HINDRA leadership calls on Anwar to meet the Indians to demand seats.
Their demand of seats not one or two but much more that 10 from Anwar is a clear indication of their intent- sabotage.
How do they expect to win on the ticket of an "Indian" party? There is not one single constituency in the entire country with an Indian majority and at the last elections the number of Indians who secured both Parliamentary and state seats in Parliament set a record since Independence, not because they were Indians but because they were Malaysians, they stood on as members of multiracial parties.
Whilst the Pakatan is talking about a multiracial platform the HINDRAF pretending to align itself with the Pakatan is coming in on a racial platform, they should not be welcome.
Now leaving all that aside these champions of Indian marginalization have been very quiet in the wake of what has happened to Ambiga, and the selling of Beef burgers at her doorstep, the Police tacitly supported this act of intimidation so too did the Prime Minsiter by his very silence.
The Kuala Lumpur CID chief's statement that Irene Fernandez may be probed under the Sedition Act, when everything else said by the likes of Ibrahim Ali, and even others in government that could have easily fallen under this category when unnoticed proves this selective intimidation and bullying of Indians by the Police and the government.
There is selective Indian bashing practiced by UMNO and that is no joke and almost every Indian in politics today knows that, but what happened to the the two parties who are supposed to represent the Indians.
Would UMNO have been quiet if Indian's went in front of Najib's house and started preparing hamburgers? Incidentally "ham" is pork?
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Tomorrow May 13 is a day in History let's make it more historical by boycotting pro government media on this day this year.
Then we'll have May 13 1969 and may 13 2012 in our history books.
Then we'll have May 13 1969 and may 13 2012 in our history books.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Elections in June? If it is, we are ready!!!!!!
The talk in town is that the elections will be held in early June, it is rumored that Najib will dissolve Parliament on Monday May 14th and Elections will be held in early June Probably on the fifth.
How credible this rumor is, is anybody's guess, but then they have made out videos trying to paint the opposition in a bad light, this government is famous for videos, it is a Barisan specialty, said one Vijaendran of Dee Pees video services.
He says the way this government makes videos he may be out of business soon.
There was of course the Chua Soi Lek Video, which was taken live, then there was one much earlier of an MIC leader I just can't get his name, and after having painted themselves in a bad light they decided to make videos with people who look like the opposition leaders and start demanding explanations.
For that matter the internet is so full of photographs of BN political leaders in compromising positions most of which I must admit are all superimposed, but then there are pictures of children of very senior ministers and they do look genuine, but most Malaysians being decent human beings just discard these pictures and want nothing to do with them , except for the BN photography and video specialists.
Remember Chua Soi Lek's video was brought about by people who wanted him out of the MCA and it must have been from within and that is why to this day the police have not investigated the case to find out who the culprits were. Chua Soi Lek is not a criminal, he is an innocent man, but those who filmed him have actually performed a criminal act that is a threat to the security of the nation - filming a minister in a compromising position they could have blackmailed him, imagine if they had made video of Najib in a similar position, the implications are very serious and yet to this day the police have come out with nothing.
Moving away from the video shows, Najib has just handed out RM15,000 to Felda settlers, and of course that is to buy votes. According to reports the children of Felda settlers feel shortchanged ans they feel the 15 thousand ringgit is nothing but small change, we can expect some fire fighting in that area too as Felda is the backbone of UMNO support, and it has been infiltrated by the opposition because of the corrupt practices of this government. They are now using corruption to justify corruption.
The FRU riot police units were placed at various places around Kuala Lumpur. A unit was on active duty at the Masjid Negara. (REFEASED) http://kl.metblogs.com/archives/2007/11/metblogs_reporting_on_bersih_r.phtml (Photo credit: Wikipedia)They have so famously over the years worked on the principle that a Government that robs Subramaniam to pay Nazri can always rely on the support of Nazri, but the irony in this country is that Subramaniam will notwithstanding this still support the Government.
When will Subramaniam ever learn.
That the elections is going to be held soon could very well be a rumor, with each Bersih rally the number of people aligning with the Pakatan goes significantly higher and Najib is losing a lot of sleep over it , it could be a rumor designed in an attempt to halt another Bersih rally - Bersih4, because this blog and many more are sure that the next rally will draw in a million people and it's not only us who know it but Najib and his henchmen too.
They have the mechanism to play dirty they have passed the foul tactics act in Parliament to make the elections a really dirty one, and are now waiting to put it into action the may feel that this is the right time, because they may be able to get away with cheating, but if the crowds get any bigger than we'll they are afraid the people will not take it sitting down.
The Barisan is feeling the heat, they are so afraid of the truth, from the judicial inquiry into the Scorpene deal which would have been Najib's trump card if indeed he did not receive any bribes and was not involved in the Altantuya murder in any way to clear his name.
As it stands he is compromised by his very refusal to clear his name.
The latest offer by Frank William La Rue - the United Nations special rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression to independently to investigate the Bersih 3 rally, which saw both police and protesters hurt, as a neutral person was immediately turned down by the the country's foreign minister probably on the instructions of his boss - Rosmah Mansor.
Rosmah Mansor because Najib has always bragged about his wife's ability of influencing foreign governments, if you remember the repatriation of Malaysian students from Egypt at the height of the demonstrations there.
Hi excuse is that we are a Sovereign Nation of course we are but what he does not realise is that we have a corrupt government who controls the press and other media liek the TV, the Radio and the rest.
This is not a representative of a foreign country but the a representative from the UN of which we are members, so what has sovereignty the nation got to do with his offer.
You will notice that they are taking an awfully long time to come out with the videos of what they call "proof" that they have that the Participants and political leaders started the trouble at Bersih 3.
Remember what the mayor said before the rally, "They can try anything but we are prepared," they were prepared for all these from the firing of the water canon, to the tear gas, to the staged attack on the police conducted by their own people.
Hishammuddin's act of waving the keris (traditional Javanese dagger) at the UMNO Annual General Meeting in 2005 drew applause from the UMNO delegates. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)This government is incapable of telling the truth, Najib has ordered his less intelligent home minister and cousin not to talk too much to the press, he is reported to have told Hishamuddin, " whenever you open your mouth we have to rush to do damage control, so if you can, please keep quiet about this and let me handle it." Then according to sources he turned to Rosamh and said, "the fellow will still open his big mouth, he is my biggest worry."
Let's wait for Monday 14th may it may be the day and if it is, "We are ready now."
How credible this rumor is, is anybody's guess, but then they have made out videos trying to paint the opposition in a bad light, this government is famous for videos, it is a Barisan specialty, said one Vijaendran of Dee Pees video services.
He says the way this government makes videos he may be out of business soon.
There was of course the Chua Soi Lek Video, which was taken live, then there was one much earlier of an MIC leader I just can't get his name, and after having painted themselves in a bad light they decided to make videos with people who look like the opposition leaders and start demanding explanations.
For that matter the internet is so full of photographs of BN political leaders in compromising positions most of which I must admit are all superimposed, but then there are pictures of children of very senior ministers and they do look genuine, but most Malaysians being decent human beings just discard these pictures and want nothing to do with them , except for the BN photography and video specialists.
Remember Chua Soi Lek's video was brought about by people who wanted him out of the MCA and it must have been from within and that is why to this day the police have not investigated the case to find out who the culprits were. Chua Soi Lek is not a criminal, he is an innocent man, but those who filmed him have actually performed a criminal act that is a threat to the security of the nation - filming a minister in a compromising position they could have blackmailed him, imagine if they had made video of Najib in a similar position, the implications are very serious and yet to this day the police have come out with nothing.
Moving away from the video shows, Najib has just handed out RM15,000 to Felda settlers, and of course that is to buy votes. According to reports the children of Felda settlers feel shortchanged ans they feel the 15 thousand ringgit is nothing but small change, we can expect some fire fighting in that area too as Felda is the backbone of UMNO support, and it has been infiltrated by the opposition because of the corrupt practices of this government. They are now using corruption to justify corruption.
When will Subramaniam ever learn.
That the elections is going to be held soon could very well be a rumor, with each Bersih rally the number of people aligning with the Pakatan goes significantly higher and Najib is losing a lot of sleep over it , it could be a rumor designed in an attempt to halt another Bersih rally - Bersih4, because this blog and many more are sure that the next rally will draw in a million people and it's not only us who know it but Najib and his henchmen too.
They have the mechanism to play dirty they have passed the foul tactics act in Parliament to make the elections a really dirty one, and are now waiting to put it into action the may feel that this is the right time, because they may be able to get away with cheating, but if the crowds get any bigger than we'll they are afraid the people will not take it sitting down.
The Barisan is feeling the heat, they are so afraid of the truth, from the judicial inquiry into the Scorpene deal which would have been Najib's trump card if indeed he did not receive any bribes and was not involved in the Altantuya murder in any way to clear his name.
As it stands he is compromised by his very refusal to clear his name.
The latest offer by Frank William La Rue - the United Nations special rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression to independently to investigate the Bersih 3 rally, which saw both police and protesters hurt, as a neutral person was immediately turned down by the the country's foreign minister probably on the instructions of his boss - Rosmah Mansor.
Rosmah Mansor because Najib has always bragged about his wife's ability of influencing foreign governments, if you remember the repatriation of Malaysian students from Egypt at the height of the demonstrations there.
Hi excuse is that we are a Sovereign Nation of course we are but what he does not realise is that we have a corrupt government who controls the press and other media liek the TV, the Radio and the rest.
This is not a representative of a foreign country but the a representative from the UN of which we are members, so what has sovereignty the nation got to do with his offer.
You will notice that they are taking an awfully long time to come out with the videos of what they call "proof" that they have that the Participants and political leaders started the trouble at Bersih 3.
Remember what the mayor said before the rally, "They can try anything but we are prepared," they were prepared for all these from the firing of the water canon, to the tear gas, to the staged attack on the police conducted by their own people.
Let's wait for Monday 14th may it may be the day and if it is, "We are ready now."
Saturday, May 5, 2012
The EC and BN set cheat at next elections - Bersih 4 a must
The EC and BN set to cheat
The recent Election Offences Act Amendment Bill, which was rushed through at the last Parliament sitting in early April is a sure way for the elections commission to aid the BN to cheat at the next elections, it removes the check and balance we so desperately need in this country to ensure free and fair elections.
At election after election it has been alleged that the BN cheated in one constituency or another now this move looks like they are going all out to cheat.
This time it looks like the BN is set to cheat in all if not almost all.
In any contest there are checks and balances to ensure the exercise is free and fair, and we had that in place all this while till latest Elections Offences Act amendment bill came along and took it away.The proof that this is a move to cheat is that the propaganda machinery which comprise Bernama, and all the print media did not mention what specifically the amendments were about and as a result people are ignorant about it, the opposition MPs were kicked out of Parliament when they raised objections to this bill and that was reported, but all the papers talked about was the"minority report" that the opposition talked about without mentioning the specifics.Do you know what this minority report is all about?
This was done deliberately to misinform the general public. Do you Know what this minority report contains?
Under the new amendments an agent of the candidates cannot be present at the electoral booths.
In the past it has always been practice for an agent of the candidate to be in the place where the elections booths were set up to ensure that there was no foul play.
This is to ensure that everything that happens in the booth was in order and that there is no foul play, that the ballot boxes were properly sealed and not tampered with or exchanged or anything removed from the same, and in the recent amendment without any prior explanation this has been changed, and these agents are now excluded from the job, they will not be allowed in, and those who will now man these stations will be only from the elections commission.
We all know that both the head and the Deputy of the Malaysian Elections Commission "were" that is what they tell us now UMNO members, that was only after it was revealed that they were UMNO members, so we can be sure that if not all at least the great majority of the people who will man these stations will be from UMNO and other BN parties, or people who sympathize with their cause, so where is the check and balance.
Now you see why it so easy (EC) to cheat at the coming general elections and that is exactly what they intend to do.
The speaker of Parliament was a disgrace on that day he did not even let the house debate the bill and instead threw Opposition MPs R. Sivarasah of PKR Subang, Azmin Ali PKR MP of Gombak and Dr. Zulkefly Ahmad of PAS Kuala Selangor out of the house.
This commission is set to help the BN cheat at the next elections although it comprised an MP each from DAP, PKR and PAS none of their views were taken into account.
They have learned from the Philippine elections where Ferdinand Marcos lost, when those tabulating votes stopped tabulating them as Marcos' agents tried to cheat in the ballot count, by taking votes from the party that opposed him and passing them off as his votes.
Well that may not be able to happen here as the agents will be in the counting centres, but before the ballot box leaves the polling station or before the count begins anything can happen including the change of the ballot box stuffing the box with more votes BN votes,removing votes etc.
Is this the what is being planned in Malaysia, I dare say that this is what is happening .
No sane person can accept the excuse given by some BN candidates that this had to happen as there was trouble in some centres before, how insane can these people be?
There has been no proper explanation as to why this has been revoked, that is the presence of agents in the polling stations, explaining this contentious amendment, Khairy Jamaluddin said he voted for the removal of candidates’ polling agents from the Election Commission (EC) registration booths "because the commission had complained of trouble."
Of course there is bound to be trouble if you cheat, and that is what we have been saying elections in and elections out, there is the postal vote, there is the switching of ballot boxes, there is the addition of votes what more and if there are observers who see this they are bound to raise objections, that is the only trouble one can see, we cannot allow for this to happen they have to repeal that part of the act, and to repeal it we need to go for bersih 4 urgently.
If that is what they call trouble it explains all.
They do not want trouble when they cheat is that what they are trying to say?
We achieved very little in Bersih 1, in Bersih 2 we created some waves, in bersih 3 we awoke a lot of Malaysians, now if we call on Berish 4, 5 and six and schedule them hastily one after the other we will awake many more Malaysians, we need to do that.
Almost all surveys show the Barisan lagging behind the opposition in winning the next elections, but if we do not take action they are out to steal that from us and that is a foregone conclusion, we can't allow them to do that to us not now not ever, so the sound for Bersih 4 must resonate now across the land the issues must be explained, so that people are aware of the issues and we can then take this government and its puppet commission to task.
In Pantai, Nurul Anwar's seat suddenly there are 2000 police voters, how did this come about? Pantai was a closely fought seat, and now to remove Nurul they have brought in the phantoms.
Bersih 4 is a must, the need is urgent, Ambiga please stop thinking - give us a call and this time we will have one million people in KL, yes one million and that is no exaggeration, many more will come - we need it we need to force this government to play fair and not cheat us.
Undi Lah Pakatan.
Some material from the New York Times;http://www.nytimes.com/slideshow/2012/04/28/world/asia/20120429-MALAYSIA-8.html
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Wages and Productivity BN style?
"The biggest deterrent to productivity increase is not lack of hard work, but corruption, corruption on the scale we have seen and continue to see in Malaysia involving our government.
Our productive advantage was not lost because of lack of effort from our workers, they did a lot, sacrificed a lot only to be robbed by the corrupt. These robbers are the people they trusted to run this country." ..........Toffee.
Our productive advantage was not lost because of lack of effort from our workers, they did a lot, sacrificed a lot only to be robbed by the corrupt. These robbers are the people they trusted to run this country." ..........Toffee.
In a letter to the editor of the New Straits Times a writer has praised this government for undermining the Malaysian worker again.
This writer is pleased with the
government's implementation of RM900 as the minimum wage for all Malaysians.
I am wondering if this has been passed by Parliament in the first place, I do not read the government controlled media so pardon my ignorance.
will it take effect ?
Who will benefit?
Yes benefit?
In the first place what can a worker
expect to do with RM900/- today?
This government is champion and world class when it comes to insulting their own workers.
Let us try and review expenses first;
give rentals
a minimum of RM300 per month, that leaves the worker with RM600/per month,
transport for children to school, pocket money etc, let’s say RM70/ that’s a
bit too little but then let’s leave it at that,
groceries and other essentials
for the home RM450/ per month,
his EPF deduction RM99/- per month, now tell me
what is left, its hardly enough to survive and you'll notice he is short of RM 19 after all these expenses, this has not taken into account his SOCSO deduction and other expenses he may have, and this government is bragging about RM900, and this is probably what Najib calls becoming a "high income nation," that is the BN standards.
Maybe he can live in a rumah haram, go squat somewhere on state land or in somebody else' unoccupied land, then he maybe able to save RM300, that will leave him with RM281 to spend, he can make that even better, by cutting on his child's daily pocket money because if you see the way this writer writes he probably thinks the children should not be entitled to all that, that will increase his balance to RM358 now he will be able to live it up a little in a rumah haram which may be blown away by the wind anytime, and if that happens he goes to the government for help and he will be helped only if he is a BN supporter.
The cost of petrol has gone up, the
man of the house can’t even afford his motorbike petrol leave alone his yearly
license renewals, and of course there is the friendly cop just waiting around the bend, to get
hold of him by the roadside to check his license because he is on a motorbike and quite often these rascals do not have a license,and why? Well they just can't afford it.
National Salary Reduction in 1997
G Rajasekaran and MTUC had suggested RM900 ringgit as far back as 1993, in 1997 our ringgit depreciated against the US dollar and many major currencies, remember Soros telling Mahathir see you at 5.30, till Mahathir was forced to peg the ringgit at 3.80 to the US dollar, from about 2.90 prior to the crisis.
In that one move alone the income of the worker dropped by about 30 percent, remember wages dropped, if we had had implemented RM900 pre1997 crisis it would be worth only USD 302 then, at today's rates it is worth worth only USD292 and that and that is what is being offered some 19 years later after the price of all essential goods have gone up by more than 200 percent, this government really knows how to mock and insult its workforce.
This man, the writer has the audacity to say “Workers
can't ask for anything more.” Who is he to make such a statement. He should be paid RM 900 and asked to fend for himself.
Then he goes on to say, “workers
must now work even harder, increasing productivity and come up with new
ideas, ”
Productivity Increase a Mea Culpa required
Productivity increase is not the sole
domain of the worker, corruption is the biggest deterrent to productivity,
this government must take concrete measures to call into question everyone who
seems to be involved in corrupt practices beginning with the Prime Minister
himself, the Scorpene issues have yet to be cleared.
Billions were lost in the Port Klang
scandal, and scandal after scandal that if we recouped all that money and gave
each Malaysian a Million ringgit - that is each Malaysian man woman and child there will
still be billions left. That is how massive the corruption in this country is.
It is in that corruption that our
productive advantage was lost, and this man says “Workers can't ask for
anything more, and “Workers
must now work even harder, increasing productivity and come up with new
ideas, ” and he forgot to add "with less wages of course."
The writer has a shallow understanding of Productivity improvement, whilst workers have come out over and over again with new ideas to improve productivity, it was corruption and greed that has led to the loss of this productive advantage.
MAS the National Airline were national Champions for QCC conventions conducted by the National productivity centre, they worked hard, they worked smart.
Do you know what they got for their troubles? Retrenchment, due to some dubious schemes conducted in the Mahathir era, and the results of that corruption plagues that airline till today, and the corrupt practices goes on unabated.
Do you know what they got for their troubles? Retrenchment, due to some dubious schemes conducted in the Mahathir era, and the results of that corruption plagues that airline till today, and the corrupt practices goes on unabated.
We were the largest producers of Tin in the world.
Do you know who screwed up the industry by trying to corner the market?
A monkey who had little understanding of the fundamentals of the business and we all know him.
The mine workers were hard working they were a productive lot, the industry was so productive Ipoh was thriving town then, one of the best in the country and all because of tin and just imagine it only took a monkey to destroy the whole thing - we trusted a monkey.
Do you know who screwed up the industry by trying to corner the market?
A monkey who had little understanding of the fundamentals of the business and we all know him.
The mine workers were hard working they were a productive lot, the industry was so productive Ipoh was thriving town then, one of the best in the country and all because of tin and just imagine it only took a monkey to destroy the whole thing - we trusted a monkey.
We were the largest producers of Rubber and Oil Palm, our Rubber Research Institute was the foremost centre for Rubber research in the world and yet it was not used to try and produce the best pneumatic Tyre in the world instead we went on to make one of the worst cars in the world - for the price we pay for it.
And can you guess who was responsible? That same monkey of course.
And can you guess who was responsible? That same monkey of course.
The rubber tapper and the Oil Palm worker is still paid twopence and there is no care in the world for these workers who gave so much and now so many of them have left the estates, even those who are in FELDA are today realising they too have been shortchanged and are questioning this government.
We were the world's largest producers of Domestic Air Conditioners, and Semiconductors, and the big American and Japanese firms began deserting us when this same monkey, a loose cannon began to open his mouth, things did not seem safe in Malaysia any more, the semiconductor industry is a strategic industry in the US and placing such sophisticated operations in Malaysia was a lesser option so they too moved out in stages leaving us with contract manufacturing base and lower end jobs carried out mainly by foreigners.
There was the huge Perwaja scandal.
Whose idea was it to begin a state owned National Steel Mill?
Would it not have been a better idea to have allowed the then existing millers to handle the job?
Whose idea was it to begin a state owned National Steel Mill?
Would it not have been a better idea to have allowed the then existing millers to handle the job?
Well I am getting fed up of telling you it was the same monkey.
We were world leaders because our workers were amongst the best in the world, actually second to none, but then who and what made them suddenly unproductive?
We pay exorbitant prices for cars, the AP issue was brought up by the same monkey because it began affecting his brainchild Proton and only certain people get AP's it's a money making machine , so what has productivity got to do with it?
Definition of Productivity UMNO style
It was in his tenure as PM that APs were issued, favoured people obtained APs many to bring in two cars, they'd bring in two for which they'd sell one for the price or the two, and so the favoured recipient got his car free. That is Productivity UMNO style.
This government has the biggest civil service to ratio of population in the world, so how can this government possibly understand productivity, they should not even talk about it.
Making all this noise is useless, I'd love to tell this government that they'll have to sit down and honestly look us in the eye and tell us all this is untrue and even if they do that they know we'll not believe them, this government is incapable of telling the truth, its time to change them
The first idea I would like to give this government is
make a serious and honest effort to recoup the billions that have been taken
out of our coffers by unscrupulous politicians and put it back in our economy, charge every corrupt person in the country starting from the biggest, it is a difficult exercise, but Najib can start with himself.
However the sad part is they will not, believe me they will not, so its time we change government.
Undi Lah Pakatan
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
May 13 - Boycott Pro Government Print Media Day
It is about time we begin taking action, and let us begin with the Government's Propaganda Machinery.
Let us begin with a boycott of the pro government print media - your daily newspapers.
We pay for nothing but rubbish, so let us just not take delivery for one day first and if that does not force the papers to make changes let us expand it even further.
I have suggested May 13 please pass this message around before the pro government media wrecks more havoc with their lies, we must shut down these dailies because they are responsible in a way for making our young ignorant - a specialty of this government, they do not allow our young to see other points of view, they want only their corrupted views and opinions to be thrust on the people to make them ignorant, and that is why we are fast becoming a backward nation of ill informed people.
Mark this date:
Boycott Pro government Print Media Day - 13th May 2012
We have a record number of graduates who are unemployed or underemployed, we have people who think Malaysia is doing very well when in fact we aren't, we are told lies after lies, and when faced by the the truth it is made to look like a lie, do we want to remain ill informed, in this information age?
We do not have to read this rubbish these papers make us pay for, why pay for rubbish when you can get good reliable news and it is for free on the net.
Read as many papers as you wish on line, there is Malaysiakini, there is the Malaysian Chronicle, there is the Malaysian insider, for international news you can read the New York Times, The Washington Post, if you like to read English tabloids they are are on on line and most are for free, so why pay money for rubbish.
Once you stop reading people will advertise elsewhere, in Malaysiakini, in the Malaysia Chronicle, The Malaysian Insider, these are the alternative media you have, you pay for Malaysiakini, but the others are free.
If you need to know about the lies the pro-government media releases see what they say about Bersih 3 and ask those of your friends who were there, they'll give you a completely different story.
Take a look at my earlier posting of ASTRO doctoring the BBC news by censoring it, I posted it yesterday in my piece "Government in denial as calls for Bersih 4 resonate" if Astro can do it so can the rest.
How many of our papers reported about the Bersih 3 worldwide rallies take a look at this site and see for yourself it was held almost the world over. Visit this link (Global Bersih 3.0 from around the world)
How many more Lynas type projects are we going to allow this government to bulldoze on us and then get us all suffering with the media remaining silent and not proactive as it should be, they should be the source that provides true and accurate information, they are our source for that and just that, but see how they bend to whims and fancies of this government.
Our press has wantonly refused to give us real information on Lynas they are afraid of the Barisan, the Barisan owns these papers, and then Chua Soi Lek comes out and tries to be the hero, he demands the government stops the Lynas project, but when told he must not only demand but if the government refuses to scrap it he must pull the MCA out of the BN by Guan Eng he sends once of his henchmen to say Guan Eng is irresponsible, that is how effective the MCA is. If the BN does not listen to MCA why remain in the BN in the first place?
How many of you are aware that there has been an amendment in Election procedures that do not allow the agents of the candidates in voting booths, this means that only the Elections Commission personnel are allowed in the booth and we all know the credibility of this Elections commission, it has been discovered that both the Chief and his deputy are UMNO members, now can we trust the elections. UMNO men will appoint the so called people from the Elections Commission to sit in the booths.
Why has the press not highlighted this issue it is something really big and we have to take note of that, it is an issue, and a very big one at that.
Why has the press not highlighted this issue it is something really big and we have to take note of that, it is an issue, and a very big one at that.
The STAR is MCA controlled, the Utusan, the NST and Berita Harian are all UMNO controlled, you need to know, so the news you receive is designed to make you ignorant of any truth that affects these parties.
Newspaper licenses are controlled by KDN you just can't publish, even political papers like the Rocket and Pas' Harkah are refused permission to sell their papers in new stands, they can only restrict sales to their respective members.
If we sit down idly and not take action it may not be us who will regret it, but our children and their children too, is it worth it? So please please take action.
Newspaper licenses are controlled by KDN you just can't publish, even political papers like the Rocket and Pas' Harkah are refused permission to sell their papers in new stands, they can only restrict sales to their respective members.
If we sit down idly and not take action it may not be us who will regret it, but our children and their children too, is it worth it? So please please take action.
Why pay for items that retard you, demand change and change now.
As a first step keep the date tell you newspaper man not to deliver your daily paper on Sunday 13 May 2012
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