The issue of the Uighur homeland, Turkestan is an older issue than the Palestinian problem, it spans centuries, why isn't UMNO making a firm stand? Are they afraid of the Chinese Government, or have they become slavishly beholden to this country.
Have they - UMNO, compromised our independence by some of their actions? Remember that even before Najib visited China recently to reenact his fathers visit to China, ( that was his his father's bid to mend relations with the Malaysian Chinese for his major role as the architect of May 13 1969, which was then and now no secret with the Chinese>. Remember Altantuya's transit Immigration records between Mongolia, China and Malaysia went missing too. Was this a formal arrangement? Did that arrangement compromise our independence, if that was a compromise with Najib than surely our independence has been compromised.
What you see above is the flag of Uighurs, a Turkic people from Eastern Turkestan today called Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region under the rule of the Peoples Republic of China.
The territory was renamed Xinjiang (which means "new territory" in Mandarin ), soon after invasion of the Dzungars by the Chinese of the Qing dynasty. An estimated one million people were butchered and the land so laid to waste that it took almost whole generation to recover from the savageries of this brutal attack.
In 1920, nationalists Uighurs had already began their struggle against the post Qing warlords controlling Sinkiang. The Turpanese poet Abdulhaliq, having spent his early years in Semey and the Jadid intellectual centres in Uzbekistan, returned to Sinkiang with a pseudonym that he later styled as a surname Uighur. He wrote the famous nationalist poem Oyghan, which opened with the line, "Hey poor Uighur, wake up!". He was later murdered by the Chinese warlord Sehng Shichai in Turpan in March, 1933 for inciting Uighur nationalism through his works.
Uighur independence activists staged several uprisings against post Qing and Koumintang rule, and in 1933 and 1944, the Uighur successfully regained their independence twice and proclaimed the East Turkestan Republic.
In 1949, after the Chinese Nationalists lost the civil war in China, East Turkestan’s rulers did not agree to join The Communist Peoples Republic of China, led by Mao Dze Dong.
A plane crash planned by the communist Chinese killed most of the East Turkestan’s supreme leadership (reminds me of a similar incident many years later in Sabah which killed Fuad Stephens), almost immediately the Chinese then marched on East Turkestan, supressed the East Turkestan army and after stiff resistance conquered the territory, reestablished the Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region and appointed the East Turkestan under secretary Saipidin Eziz the first Governor.What remained of the East Turkestan army was 'absorbed' into the Peoples Liberation Army and the government officials of East Turkestan subsequently 'absorbed' into the Chinese Communist party (CCP).
Although concessions were made by the CCP many loyalists fled to Turkey and other Western countries from where they staged anti-CCP activities in an effort to restore their independence, this effort continues to this day.
The people of Eastern Turkestan are the Palestinians of China, they are Muslims as well, some of them have been here to Malaysia, some of them may have event spoken to UMNO members, I am certain some of them have studied with Malaysians overseas and have told their story, they do not look like the Chinese, and today they are considered to be Chinese by the Chinese Government to legitimise their occupation.
They Uighurs are demanding their independence, taken away from them in 1949 by Mao and the CCP, instead, the Chinese Communist Government is sending huge numbers of ethnic Han Chinese into the region to neutralize this independence struggle. The Uighur are desperate, they seek support of all nations, more then 250 of their men have been arrested at the onset of Ramadan this year after the recent unrest in the region, to be tried by Chinese courts, the question now asked of Najib and the Malaysian Government is; What is our stand, why have you been so quiet, these people have been suppressed for centuries by the Chinese, theirs is not an issue as new as the Palestinians, why is it their struggles are being overlooked, is it because this Government is afraid of the Peoples Republic of China, or is it there is too much to gain economically? Or are we dictated at by other nations?
This UMNO led government can't adopt double standards, they have to come out in the open and state their stand, and looking at the history of this land there can only be one, and it has to be loud and clear, our unconditional support for the Uighur homeland and Independence, even if it means it has to be carried to the UN, by us. Malaysia can lead this via the OIC.
Why have we remained silent for so long? Najib must make public this stand.
Are we afraid of the Chinese? Has our independence been compromised?