Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Najib's Conviction -Time for Overhaul and a Third force.

 by Toffee
29 July 2020 


It is time to discard the old and the old who manage it, it is time for the new, the young the vibrant  and the relevant.

Yes, in today's world the young are more relevant then the  young  have ever been,  it is the age of today's young, and we have to give it to them,  thy are the potential leaders, more millionaire are springing up from their ranks and most  from those who are hardly even 40, they are showing that they are capable and that they think and perform at a different level,  it is their age.

 Malaysia have to discard the old and their old habits, we know for certain that from the inception of the Mahathir led BN government corruption has been on the rise in this country, powerful politicians have been treating this country's finances as a their own piggy bank and from the beginning of the  construction of the North South highway, the privatization of public utilities water, Electricity, and Telecommunications, the Sepang Airport,  corruption has been rife and was in fact turning into a way of life for those who headed the BN government and it has gone unabated.

Successive government's only took that corruption to a higher level, and Najib was the man who took it to the pinnacle, it was the young that exposed him Tony Pua and Rafizi with the aid of Rewcaste Brown, these were not 60year olds or even for that matter  93 year old politicians.

The country is now on the verge of Bankruptcy at a time the world is faced by its worst disaster since the second world war. 

With more than half a million dead and almost 17 million cases that keeps increasing this could be the worlds greatest human catastrophe and coming out of it will be a huge effort, we'll go back the forties if we are not careful and honestly that is where we are headed.

If Malaysians especially the Malays do not sit up and acknowledge that enough is enough, and opt for a really clean and efficient government this country will soon slide to the status of Myanmar and the Philippines who themselves are now on the upward spiral in terms of development leaving Malaysia to inherit that status sooner rather than later. We may land up worse than a banana republic if we do not watch it.

It is really shocking how especially Malay Malaysian leaders from the ruling UMNO can come out openly in support  of the world's biggest kleptocrat who tried to hide his endevours only to be exposed by Sarawak Report, the Malaysian Press, the New York Times, and the Washington post among others including the Arab English News portal Al Jazeera.

After successfully blocking any investigation into the case which included the firing of the Attorney General, the Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin and other politicians who asked for more transparency on the issue Najib Tun Abdul Razak managed to keep a lid over any investigations on the 1MDB case, the Altantuya Murder and many more criminal acts and acts of corruption that went on as though we had a bottomless pit filled with currency from which he could just take out money for his and his family's benefit.

His wife got into the act even providing the specifications for the interior of the Executive jet Njib would so frequently use, she was such an extravagant woman who successfully managed to put Maria Antoinette, and Imelda Marcos to shame.

Let us hope now that today's conviction will be an eye opener for Malaysians especially UMNO Malays and the Indians of MIC and Chinese of the MCA, we have not forgotten the Telecoms Share scandal, the Maica case, the case involving he West Port in Klang,it is still fresh in our minds.

It is most certainly time for change, mega change, the type we have not seen in our history and it can only come from the relevant young vibrant and committed Malaysians.

It is time for the likes of Khairy, Nazri, Nurul, Rafizi, Nga Kor Ming, Anthony Loke, Yeo Bee Yin, Charles Santiago, Siti Kassim,  Teo Nee Chin, and people who can really make a change and whose only aim will be the country without blind loyalties to individuals to any politician but to the nation to take charge and bring in relevant change.

The people helming the country now are clueless, their brand of politics is self enrichment, and they could not care the damn for what the future holds in store as long as they have their own individual families secured.
Secured to the extent that hey will never stop in as far as they are in power to use their office to accumulate wealth for themselves, noble politicians are far and few an among those in the old school I see a very few.


Don't point our fingers toat the Malays alone the Chinese and Indians are bloody racists too, if they weren't they'd give serious thought to a single stream education policy, not the type we have today with vernacular schools but any talk about that and they are up in arms.

We can have a dual system of two parallel type of schools that will lokk into education seriously.

One type that offers the  Languages, Chinese, Tamil, Jawi and Arabic as optional subjects  besides other normal subjects in Arts and Science. They can be run in line with the UEC syllabus but the character of the Chinese School must change, the medium of instruction should  be in the Bahasa, and one of the two systems can offer Mathematics and Science in English.

The spread of these will not only make our schooling system more relevant, but it will acknowledge the contribution of Chinese Education in the country by accepting the UEC.

Vernacular schools in the present character must cease if we are serious about racial integration. Racial integration must take priority if we are to survive as a nation, no more the "Naan Tamilan nee Tamilan", or "ketuanan Melayu", or the Chinese are the best and the rest stupid attitude.

Back to schools with a true Malaysian character, put it to the test, the Indian Plam Oil fiasco had many Malaysian Indians worked up, Many Chinese to this day support China's intrusion into our territorial waters, say something on facebook and see the results. 

While the pendatiangs all of us are let us face it, from Indonesia, Cambodia, India and China including from Thailand, the only ethnic people of this country arre the Orang Asal that is the Orang Asli in the peninsular and the orang asal of the Island of Borneo.

Will the younger Malays of the peninsular break ranks from their seniors to steer this country in the right direction.


Malaysia is now plagued  with an aging population, it is time the young and relevant take charge of the country they inherit, let us take the selfish Mahathir's, Muhyiddins and the lot of UMNO deadwood out of our political system.

These old folks are so tied up in their ways they'll not give way to the young, we must realise that many of the developed world is now turning to younger and younger politicians.

The age of Emmanuel Macronthe Frech President is only 42, the age of the British Prime Minister is only 56, and he is of Turkish ancestory, the age of the Canadian Prime Minister is only 48, then Giuseppe of Italy is only 56 whilst we were just bragging of having an antiquated confused and senile man at 93 as our PM an he is still trying to get there to satisfy his own selfish motives of having his son become the next Prime Minister.

So the real challenge is for these young people to come together put politics aside and the nation first, manage and direct it for their own and future generations. 

 Why even now Mahathir still thinks he is the only one who can run this country, he so outdated, he is so antiquated and is already bordering on senility  and I really pity that man as his children seem to dare not tell him the truth about himself today.  

To ensure only the best in politics we should back high salaries for cabinet ministers, and cabinet ministers should be really qualified, and not talk nonsense. Our current Prime Minister has even been exposed as a man who can't get simple figures right.


1 comment:

  1. For what that is worth of toffee...if you honestly think thats where its headed then you'd have honestly been mistaken...just sharing what Shafie said of Judge Nazlan of being fair and HONEST Judge but he had made an HONEST MISTAKE in his judgement...

    Somehow its sounds hollow which its hard to see what good and benefits from Najib's action and thieving and conniving compared to Sepang, NS Highways and all those mega projects that has seen the ripple effect where the country were indeed heading toward being a developed until being stunted by the last 2 PM, one for sleeping over his watch and the other busy with know who? Need to mention Riza that got away with a billion and plea-bargain deal to return half but still gets to keep half of the loot...

    Man don't make it a level playing field between the crook now a CONVICTED Najib to that 95 year old man dude!

    You don't even have the decency to even name one let alone some of the achievements that see malays-muslims the rakyat saw how the world grew some respect to Malaysians...otherwise Putin as a President of a superpower could still wish that old man a happy birthday yet you don't wishes good things to that old my...except a simple envy from the heart of your bottom, perhaps?
