All the recent efforts to undermine Najib has not been the work of the opposition but rather a frantic and hectic effort of those within UMNO who want him out, to them it will create an opportunity, the vacuum will be filled from within their camps as they find him too much of a burden for the party, he is riddled with holes from which worms just keep flowing out non stop, or so they say.
We have seen in the past how his deputy has actually very deliberately undermined him, the 1 Malaysia was a classic case where when Najib asked everyone to think Malaysian first, he came out first and declared, "I am Malay first and Malaysian second."
Of course having his origins in the Indonesian Islands he, Muhyudin has rightfully placed himself as "Malay" first, for fear of being identified with the Orang Asli who are the only people who can rightfully claim to be sons of the soil. Malays as many of us too, are the offspring's of immigrant parents, grand parents, great grandparents, and great great grandparents and if you ask the Babas the Chittis and the Portuguese Eurasians they will trace their ancestries even further.
That Melaka was founded by a Hindu Prince is a fact and not fiction, and that it was a Hindu Kingdom till the ruler was converted to Islam is again a historical fact and cannot be rewritten. Why, till even 1973 Mandi Safar was a public holiday in Melaka, was it derived from Islam or Hinduism?. Mandi Safar was a typical Hindu ritualistic practiced carried on by Muslim Malays in this country who as all other Malays in this country trace their heritage to their Hindu forefathers, now for some untold of reasons UMNO has decided that the Malaysian Malay must cast aside his Hindu Heritage and forget it totally although these practices are cultural, as Mandi Safar was, part of the Malay cultural practices till at least 1973 maybe even later and was removed as were many other parts of the original ethnic Malay culture in this country.
The natives of Sarawak and Sabah, the Orang Asli of West Malaysia are the only ones who can rightfully call themselves sons of the soil in that context, for after all we are all Children of Malaysians and we are all Malaysian.
I have strayed a bit, and now to focus on the battle within UMNO.
My recent articles on the movement within the movement in UMNO in my article "Najib a Nero of sorts," also shows this trend, the game is subtle and it keeps surfacing day in day out and as the pressure keeps mounting Najib keeps fighting frantically to save his political life.
The only refuge he seems to have is in Mahathir, and Mahathir loves that role for from there he dictates his son Mukhriz' position in the party and that is no secret, but is Mahathir himself so powerful?
In fact a careful look at what is happening currently also indicates that Mahahtir himself is playing that subtle game of undermining Najib, he has to do it to elevate his son, and he is doing it the way he knows best, for if there is a deceitful Maverick in UMNO for this sort of games it has to be him, we have seen how he outmaneuvered both Musa Hitam and Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah in the past.
You do not have to a PhD in Physics to find out on whose side of the fence the former information minister Zainuddin Maidin is on, one look at his face an you'll know he is so identifiable he just can't hide unless he wears a veil to cover his face.
Zainuddin Maidin man has of late begun to provoke the opposition and in the process is undermining Najib.
During the recent of the meeting between Suharto and Najib this man began his rhetoric to undermine Najib and his efforts to mend fences with the Indonesian government with whom Malaysia is experiencing a rather rough ride although Suharto had declared that he would bring the matter up with Najib.
In the not too distant past the Indonesians have accused us of stealing their culture, and quite rightly so, as we do not acknowledge it's origins the way we we do Indian and Chinese aspects of our culture, their songs, their dressing and so much more of what is ethnically Indonesian without giving it due acknowledgement.
The Indonesians have accused us of having ill treating their maids and workers sent here to the extent that their government has chosen to stop their maids from coming here.
And now a "Malay" UMNO past information minister (Zainuddin) who has his origins in South Asia (India) has come out to stir the hornets nest in complete defiance to the PM and at the time the Indonesian President was complaining about his rhetoric and how it was hurting relationships.
The group of young UMNO people I talked about in my article "Najib a Nero of sorts" could not be contacted for comment on this Zainuddin Maidin plot, but I am sure it is not allied to their group although I think strategically they'd welcome anything that undermines Najib and the only direction one can point a finger to is not at Muhyudin but at the master's camp, Zaidnuddin by looks and ancestry alone looks so terribly aligned as is Sharizat and the rest, I can't think of anyone else who is actually pulling the strings.
He has even purposely attacked Anwar over an issue of missing RMAF planes only to be slammed by Anwar that it was the Minsitry of defence that was responsible for that, this was done to implicate Najib once again and make things only worse for Najib.
Or is it that this former Information Minister is trying to align himself with the young elite or they with him, as an Information Minister would have all the know;ledge on how to disseminate information effectively especially amongst the UMNO members as this ministry has often used its services to serve UMNO, the trouble is that I can't get in touch with the young Johor group, as I refer to them.
There is the Muhyudin camp, there is the young UMNO elite, there is his own Godfather the Mahahtir camp filled with Sharizat and the likes of her, and one wonders whatever happened to the once powerful UMNO youth, whose current leader has been silenced by Mahathir and his son Mukhriz.
The Mukhriz equation alone shows to what great extent Mahahthir holds sway over Najib, never in the history of UMNO has a winning candidate in the UMNO youth contest been sidelined in favour of the loser? It has happened this time around and this shows without doubt that the "Malay" Mahahtir bin Mohammed holds on to the reins of power in UMNO.
The former PM can only hold a PM to task if he has something with which he can do so, and the belief is that it is the Altantuya Shaaribu case, if Najib tries to go it alone all hell will break lose and Altntuya Sharibu's case will be resurrected with different people in the dock, and that is one thing Najib does not want at all cost, he can be made to look like a confounded idiot but he shoudl never be brought to task to answer the case of Altantuya Shaaribu, and that is something Mahathir so gleefully knows.
How convenient for Mahathir how uncomfortable for Najib, and how opportunistic for Muhyudin, who is playing his cards rather quietly on different fronts and very very carefully as he has to reckon with Mahathir too.
Khairy Jamaluddin knows he can't fight Mahathir or Najib on this score, because of favours and because anyone who goes agaisnt this pair will be sidelined they have been able to curb dissent.
There is no one in UMNO who is brave enough to come forward and fight Khairy's cause, not even the UMNO youth as there will be too much personally to lose and that is something no UMNO memberwill want to sacrifice. it is Khairy and Khairy alone who has to fight his own battle not after he has been ditched, in fact he already has been ditched but is hoping for better times and is therefore keeping a low profile like his father in law Tun Abdullah Badawi.
What Khairy Jamaluddin fails to realise is that he is the leader of UMNO youth, the faction that will rise to his support if he is jantan enough, and if he manages to raise the right issues, it has to be controversial as is most UMNO youth issues, it has to challenge the establishment, it has to be sufficiently provocative and it has to lend the youth with an air of importance and all the youth in UMNO will rally to his side.
UMNO's inability to attract the young has been caused by Mahathirism, the young have deserted UMNO because in Mahathirism he Mahathir undermined the youth by placing the likes of Najib of all people as head of the youth, it was the re-engineering of UMNO that caused all this dissent and drove the youth out of the party. The question is, is Khairy Jamaluddin jantan enough to lead the UMNO youth yet once again?
Now in desperation Najib is plugging the holes, notice Rosmah does not hog the limelight as she usually does, but given half a chance she will and she uses every available opportunity, for that is Rosmah. In desperation he does what others have not done and tried winning over the Christians, it now seems to be "confusing" the UMNOputras and that does not auger too well for Najib too.
So if one takes a closer look it is UMNO itself that so confused, it is UMNO itself that is so terribly wrought with scandals after scandal and a murder included, that is giving UMNO all its troubles.
Can the people really and sincerely decide to choose such a government given, that the Prime Minister himself by choosing to remain quiet after all the accusations made out agaisnt him regarding all the issues involving the murder of Altantuya Sharibu and as a result has had his integrity compromised, and in so doing has compromised the integrity of the sacred office he now holds - the office of the Prime Minster of Malaysia.
To elect such a government will be suicidal for all Malaysians, it will mean sacrificing our national integrity and allowing blackmailers to hold the government of Malaysia to ransom, and is that already the case?
For all the allegations made out agaisnt Najib in the statutory declaration made by the private investigator Bala, and that evidence being corroborated by a close associate of the wife of the PM - Deepak, who has admitted to being party to get Bala to forcefully retract his declaration, by signing another SD prepared by a prominent lawyer who now seems to look notorious, and who has confirmed the involvement of the Prime Minsiter brother in that event, and with all this, the failure of the Police force and or the MACC to investigate this case, has shed a dark cloud over our beautiful nation.
The people have only one choice, in fact it can't even be called a choice but a duty, a duty to kick out this Barisan Nasional Government.
From the Blogs
Saudis Sweat Bullets As Energy Revolution Changes the Rules
Clearing the confusion on the use of Allah in Bahasa Bibles
Man dies from 'fall' in lock up, family in disbelief (How many deaths is the MIC worth?)
Green activists take a bite at Pahang MB's 'ear'
" He (Deepak Jaikishan) said that he would be holding a press conference on Jan 1 in which he
would launch his booklet “Black Rose” and documents to prove “you know
who” gave payments to private investigator P Balasubramaniam......... IN Free Malaysia Today
Current affairs, human rights, justice with specific focus on Malaysia and where the world situation has a direct or indirect impact on the Malaysian political climate. Malaysians must never be told they are being "tolerated" when they exercise their constitutional rights, instead, the government of the day must respect their rights to do so.
Friday, December 28, 2012
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Merry Christmas and a Happy new Year Have hope
It's Toffee's Turn, wishes all its readers and all Malaysians a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy and hopeful New Year.
It's Toffee's Turn says, " Have Faith, have hope, it will move mountains." I'll be away for Christmas beginning tomorrow, I have faith, faith that we Malaysians are intelligent enough to make a smart choice of government, smart enough at least not to be fooled for the umpteenth time by a government that has robbed us not only of our wealth but of our heritage, we are Malaysians regardless of race, by race we are Malaysians by Nationality we are Malaysians therefore we are one and this great nation and its great people will prove that in the coming year.
God Bless All of us and God bless our Beautiful Country Malaysia.
Merry Christmas
And Abraham found favour with the Lord
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POWER STRUGGLE - UMNO IN TROUBLE ? UMNO sources tell me that Muhyiddin Yasin has struck a deal with his old foe and ex Selangor Menteri ...
Whilst all eyes are on the next General elections the stage is being set for the next UMNO general assembly, where the signal for Muhyidd...
Muhyiddin Yassin's supporters have finally come out to stake the claim for their chief as the next PM of Malaysia, and it is not really surp...
By Toffee 28 July 2011 He'll sure remember this song, it was from his time and it was an Elvis Number, "It's now or never" and those 4...
There is a virtual media blackout and the focus is exclusively on Najib. On directives, a smattering has been offered to Muhyiddin but i...
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The next elections in Malaysia will see the downfall of the present government, that is a forgone conclusion, and Najib and the Barisan know...
BY Toffee Rozario I s there to be a sort of Malay Renaissance ? S ome young UMNO members who seem to be really full of fire beli...
Everyone who has given testimony against the powers that be has been branded a liar, Musa of all people has now come out and Syed Hamid the ...
Friday, December 7, 2012
Najib a Nero of sorts?
Toffee Rozario
Is there to be a sort of Malay Renaissance?
Some young UMNO members who seem to be really full of fire believe they can do it - renew UMNO from within what they call "cleansing," purging the party of the corrupt self-seekers.After having spent some few hours in the corridors of the UMNO General Assembly, and after having been warned by one of my UMNO friends that I was spotted, I left the premises only to join a group of UMNO members, a group I was taken to meet by my friend at a restaurant on the other side of the City.
After my meeting I felt I had to put all this in writing, because this group looks promising, it seems set and determined for change, change from within UMNO and to accomplish this it is willing to sacrifice the power of the BN at the next General Elections, that is how serious this group is.
Ousting Nero
Is the present ring of fire being laid around Najib coincidental that it had to come out just before the UMNO General Assembly or was it deliberately planned?
Is it something planned by UMNO itself to rid themselves of a man they see as, "a huge liability to the party, race and country," as one Johor UMNO member put it.
We must give Najib some credit for trying hard to salvage his name and reputation, but even his best efforts are not good enough and he has only himself to blame, he is complacent, lacks strategy and is too weak.
Today a good many UMNO members believe he had something to do with the murder of Altantuya Shaaribu, although they do not believe that he has done it himself or that he had given the orders to his two body guards to do it, but they have been silently pointing their fingers to someone so close to him saying, "only that person would have had the authority to direct the guards."
UMNO members are not really too worried about the murder of Altantuya though, "after all she was not a Malay and not a Muslim but only a Mongolian and that too a woman," said one source. The way UMNO men behave in Parliament and elsewhere I do not think anyone of us could be taken by surprise by that statement, after all that is the pakar UMNO mentality.
Najib is seen as a weakling because of the Rosmah factor, his inability to silence his contradicting deputy and the fact that he has hardly come out to defend his name each time a damaging accusation is made out agaisnt him, they feel that Rosmah has too much control over him, in fact the whispers in the corridors at the recent UMNO meeting by the anti Najib faction were all centred on Rosmah, his deputy and the fact that he hides under the office of the Prime Minster using his power not to answer but remain silent.
They were talking about Rosmah's insatiable hunger to grab business opportunities, wealth and anything that would enrich her. The name of a certain prominent Malaysian Indian businessman (not Deepak) kept coming up over and over again, a new Television Company to rival Astro was mentioned, so many things and all roads led back to the house of Najib bin Tun Abdul Razak.
UMNO Cleansing
Imagine the Johor UMNO members attacking Hishamuddin, saying he knows nothing and does not deserve a seat, leave alone the position of Home Minister. They were comparing him with more prominent Malays who'd do UMNO proud according to them, that seems to be a direct affront to Najib.
The dissatisfaction in UMNO is coming from its bright and intelligent young members in their thirties to early fifties, I encountered a successful Charted Accountant, two lawyers who are not in the business of law, economists, engineers both software and hardware types, managers from industry including some from Civil service, one from PNB, and they claim to have a direct group of more than 250 professionals in their group split into functions and looking after districts in various states, but alas they have to be quiet, these are accomplished young Malays, they are academically accomplished too, and one of them quipped, "you'll not see me sitting on the same table with him," the 'him' was Khairy Jamaluddin and the reference was made after he was asked why this group did not attempt to engage Khairy to support their cause to what they call, "cleanse and purge" UMNO as he is an 'intellectual' too. One of the lawyers in the group looked at me and said,"intellectual" as though it was a question and smiled.
This Johor UMNO group seems to hold swing among the members in certain key states, many of them academically accomplished members from local and foreign universities , they have identified who must not be returned to Parliament, they are confident BN will win but with a huge reduction in the UMNO seats, they are prepared and even not too worried about the BN losing control and they seem to want it that way to pave the way for what they call a "Cleansed UMNO."
One of them who identified himself as Daud said. "very honestly we do not mind losing this time around, we know we can win the next time but that is only after we purge this party, it requires to be cleansed totally even if that takes twenty years, we need to cleanse the party, not "reform thee party" as they say, its all just pulling wool over our eyes, if it is not cleansed it is only a matter of time before we go this route again, and the grassroots must understand the consequences of what is really happening. They must see the potential outcomes after it is cleansed, and they will follow us, they have been lied to once too often by a party they trust, a party of self seekers."
"For us more than anyone else it is the country and the race that matters," when asked "what about the King?" one of them immediately replied, "oh yes! the King, indeed the the King, but that is understood," he said.
So is it a coincidence that Deepak and Musa Hassan has come out at this time?
Does Musa know what we do not, is the BN in for a big fall?
Is Najib the 'Nero' of UMNO?
Is it a coincidence that Johor PAS has lodged a Police report on the matter of Musa Hassan's allegations?
In fact even the PAS leadership was not aware of the Johor PAS move to lodge a police report?
The action according to some PAS members was done on the instigation of certain friendly UMNO members in Johor, all this is being done to embarrass and tire Najib, whilst in the front there seems to be the most cordial of relationships between Muhyiddin and Najib, but are these Muhyidin's men in the first place? It's really hard to tell, to them Muhyiddin may be a 'stop gap' we have had a few in UMNO and he seems to be the next.
Najib almost caved in, had it not been for the Deepak and Musa allegations he would have announced the General Elections, giving way to the demands of the 'Muhyiddin group,' he came in hinting that it was going to happen till Deepak and Musa came and threw the spanner into the works.
Muhyiddin's men or at least they seem to be so "his men", are fed up, they have given their boss an ultimatum take on Najib or face the wrath of the membership, and they have many friends in both PAS and Keadillan and make no mistake DAP sympathizers too and they will help the opposition no matter what the pledges taken at the UMNO General Assembly they have nothing but contempt for the leadership.
Whilst Najib is beginning to win some confidence of the urban electorate, many and I mean many of the rural voters are beginning not to trust this son of Tun Abdul Razak anymore.
If the young group in UMNO goes about doing what they are now UMNO and BN for that matter are heading for a huge change.
Will Najib make it?
"Yes, of course he will win Pekan, unless they give him a really tough candidate, because he is known to self destruct when faced by challenges (a typical Nero), however whatever is said he will win Pekan but he will lose the battle," that was the opinion of this young group.
The BN will win with an even more reduced majority, UMNO's performance will be pathetic, even Muhyiddin may lose his right to lead, and with that Najib has to make way, this is not something plucked from the air, whilst some say Mahathir may be called back the young silent elite are totally against it, this seems to be another group of ultras only that they are more refined and totally against Mahathir.
"We'll oppose Mahahtir with all our might, and he will not be able to take us on, we do not want a dynasty or dynasties in Malaysia, you can have that in India (the Nehru dynasty), in Pakistan, you can have that in the Philippines you can have it anywhere but not in Malaysia, this country belongs to the people and not political dynasties, we have a King to protect, we must not allow political dynasties to crop up, there is no place for them in this Kingdom, they will undermine the authority of the Sultans and the King" said this chap with a white skull cap and a goatee, who refused to divulge his name, but only say that, "history and Constitutional law are my major."
"UMNO has lost its identity, Mahathir has stolen UMNO for himself and that is why UMNO Baru was created. Musa used to say "UMNO is Malay and Malay is UMNO" and yes that was the spirit of UMNO, it has been robbed, it has lost its Malay identity, take a look UMNO is no longer Malay, the Malays is subservient to this 'Melayu Baru,' we are second class.
"He (Mahathir) is trying to rewrite History with him being the centre of Malaysia, he has robbed us of our heritage - UMNO, say the word "Bapak Malaysia" to him and let him know you are referring to the Tengku and he'll go all mad. Look we are good people he has taken advantage of us, and now we want to reclaim UMNO and our identitiy, the party that will really lead the Malaysian people, not this stupid, corrupt group of people who have actually robbed UMNO from us, and to make matters worse it is being done with the help of some Malays whose parents were great UMNO leaders."
"These people have dynastic dreams, they have joined forces with the likes of Mahathir and robbed us, we need to stop it, we need to make the Malays aware, he drove a Malay out (Musa Hitam) and he took over UMNO and brought in his people, people we accepted in good faith, they have come in and taken all, just look around you and you'll see it, and they even changed the identity of the Malay, they are the higher class Malays when in fact they are no Malays at all, they have mistaken our generosity, we are not fools, we will now have to show them, to come out in the open in UMNO is to welcome a compromise, we are not for compromise, so we have to do it discreetly for now."
When asked who will back you, the immediate response was, "the grassroots, remember we are working hard we are making sacrifices, some of us sleep in our cars when we go around, we went to the ground to buka puasa, the people did not have to clean their houses and serve their best to us, we took food along too, we have our people at Division and Branch levels, the new members are young, we are recruiting new members too, the young like us, we are seen as vibrant and more relevant with the times, we do not clamor for power, we are Islam, we are here to serve, we hunger to serve our race, our country and King" then looking across the table he signaled one spectacled gentleman, who rose up and said, "sharing is over we have to get to our tasks, please take note we are not in this for ourselves, but for the race the country and the King, and we ask for nothing in return, we do not want to be rich through politics we want the Malays to progress and become rich, we want Malaysians to become rich and ours is a sacrifice we call it "Korban" we ask only that you report fairly, so people will look at us an judge UMNO correctly sometime soon."
This group was introduced to me by my friend from Melaka where UMNO is strong, the present UMNO I mean, (after the recent General Assembly) and he said this to me, "Toffee, I promise you after we have purged UMNO, this country will be good and even the non Malays will vote for us, I promise you that, we are not here to take from them, we are here to share the nation with all the races, we believe they (other races) are part of us and without them it is a no win win situation but rather a lose lose situation, we want a strong and vibrant Malaysia, that is why we say if Anwar wins this time around may Allah bless him, we think he deserves it more than anyone else, he'll do a much better job than the present group in our party, but given the time we hope to mend the rift and bring this great nation together all of us and we can, and for that Najib and all those cronies and this practice of nepotism must be wiped out and UMNO will no longer be corrupt, we want this nation to be a shining example in line with Islamic values clean and efficient and friendly, in our culture we have always been a friendly and hospitable people, Mahathir changed a lot of that, people in UMNO think every Chinese and Indian is an enemy, they have preached this - in this UMNO of Mahathir."
Change. It's all beginning in Johor and I am wondering if history is rewriting itself?
Monday, December 3, 2012
P I Bala, Deepak, Musa who next?
Everyone who has given testimony against the powers that be has been branded a liar, Musa of all people has now come out and Syed Hamid the man who together with his successor Hishamuddin have successfully revealed the level of common sense that prevails in UMNO now comes out to say that this is all an opposition ploy.
Musa Hassan?
After what he did to Anwar Ibrahim surely at the request of his superiors including a former UMNO chieftain, surely it must be seen that he was a player in a whole scheme to rid the country of Anwar, the man who knew too much and who had publicly declared that there would be no more nepotism, cronyism and corruption in UMNO.
In UMNO this could not happen, no one could get into UMNO and declare such "nonsense," so anwar had to go at all costs, and they madee sure he did, so now when the Truth is coming out there is fear in the corridors of power, UMNO power.
This man Musa Hassan is not going to come out in the open to say such things like the government intervened with his work unless it really happened and unless he has some really compelling reasons to.
No Malaysian in his proper frame of mind would have accepted that PI Bala was forced to come out with the Statutory Declaration to implicate Najib, everyone believed him when he said that the carpet man was involved, that carpet man has now come out and is revealing the truth albeit in installments.
So why is the truth coming out in installments?
Well we'll dwell on that later, and now all these men who were their trusted lieutenants are now looked upon as conniving opportunists working together with the opposition to oust Najib for no rhyme or reason does that make sense?
The key to the truth lies some where in the home of our Prime Minister it does not take a genius to figure that out, a moron would be able to have figured that out, and we have many of that kind of people in UMNO, I might have mentioned a few names earlier in this article and it is the duty of one of those to direct a full investigation, unless it was his office that ordered Altantuya's entry records by the Malaysian immigration removed.
Surely if they could get a Deputy Prime Minsiter on trumped up charges they can easily get this cop, they could and would for their own convenience they would even use the Anwar's case to get him,they are capable of doing that but why aren't they?
Why is Syed Hamid claiming that this is all a political ploy by the opposition?
The only reason is it has to be the truth, what these people are saying must be the truth, Deepak was a close friend of Rosmah, why did he suddenly turn against her and Najib?
There must be some elements of truth in it, and f the government goes for them, the truth will come out, that is something they can't afford, after all they have Mahathir Mohammed as the Prime Minister, the man for whom the ends justify the means.
If what Deepak is now saying is not the truth, then Najib should use the full force of the law to protect the sanctity of the office of the prime minster because the attacks are personally targeted on Najib bin Tun Razak, and it was whilst he was in office as the minister of defence.
It is not for the current minister of defence to come out to clear the issue he knows nothing about this he was not even in government at that time, so why is Najib so quiet?
Should he not sue Deepak? Should he not go to clear his name? Had it been the Lees down south they'd have sued the pants off Deepak?
Najib has failed to do this when in his personal capacity when he was accused by Raja Petra Kamaruddin, now when he is openly accused by PI Bala, and Deepak he is still hiding, is he afraid to come out in open court?
Well if that is no the case, and especially with all the implications derived from the interview with Deepak, will Rosmah at least subject herself to an interview with the press both international and local on these issues since there seems to be so much directed towards her too?
After all she is the "first lady" very eloquent, been overseas, held meetings with so many other first ladies, and even visited heads of states for which once Najib bragged that our students in Egypt got out safely because of her connections, she surely must have the ability, the eloquence and the presence of mind to handle these small time reporters on these issues. Can't She?
I am sure she is more than capable (she is the first Malaysian PM's wife to have declared herself "First Lady") and ever willing, surely this "first lady" who delights at the slightest opportunity for some of the limelight will given the opportunity, but Najib will not allow her to, he is so scared he will not allow her to.
When he was preparing to come to office I wrote an article on the need for him to first clear his name on the Altantuya case or, the office of the Prime Minister would be compromised, that was something that any decent man would have done before assuming such high office but, Najib Tun Razak did not see that necessity, neither did his mentor the Doctor because that would be so very convenient for him - the doctor>
A compromised PM would be easy for the picking, he can easily dictate terms like he so often does these days.
You can't hide too much under the carpet, it will swell with the heat and the carpets will even though well bound wall to wall burst at its seems and all the dirt will spill out for the world to see and that is what is happening now.
All the mantharam imported from Kerala will not work, mantharams are evil, it abhors the Truth, but the Truth cannot be suppressed for too long it will surface as is now happening.
I have my doubts about the sincerity of these players, I am convinced they are telling us the truth, but why in installments?
I believe, they are doing this because they are short changed, and so are reveling the truth in installments in the hope that the big pay day will come so that they can decide to keep quiet, but if that big pay day comes then they will look forward to another bigger pay day, after all it pays and it pays big.
I doubt Deepak's claims that he will tell all, he is waiting for the big payouts as soon as possible, he knows as much as Rosmah, Mahathir and Najib know that the end is near the BN government is going to be dumped, they all know that, they are trying their level best to intimidate the people, but this time it will not work.
Before this government falls all these players must collect their ill gotten gains promised to them by the big boys, they have to leave the country less they get caught for all the bad things they have done in concert with the BN and so they are letting out this truth in installments.
Remember that for the government to fall the majority of the Malays must vote the opposition and that is the definitive score today, all their polls have indicated that, so there is this feeling of deep despair amongst the top brass in UMNO, they can't give in to every PI, Carpet man or Cop or there won't be enough pay the UMNO division chiefs if they win the elections, and if they do not deliver there then all hell will break loose in UMNO itself.
Remember that the majority of the Police Force and the Military are made up of Malays, many of whose brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers and children will be with the opposition, vote the opposition so if this government were to fall they had best do the right thing and hand over power without any abuse, not the type that was applied when Selangor and Perak fell, and time was given to the outgoing government to take away with them so many "secrets" from office.
They never expected that Tsunami, at the next General Elections it is going to be a major earthquake.
The warning had been sounded by the Sabah delegates, in the most cordial of terms, they want to know what happened to the 44 million ringgit that went to UMNO they do not seem to have a clue about it, what they were actually saying to the whole General Assembly is, "WE DO NOT BELIEVE YOU" and that statement will be reflected in the Sabah election results in time to come.
So what is it here, Malaysiakini reports, "Musa had recently accused Hishammuddin, who is also home minister, of interfering with the police force, while Deepak claimed he had given "heavy contributions" to party president Najib Abdul Razak. "
Syed Hamid was reported to have said, "I think whatever sabotage, (attempts) to bring us down, disparage our name, insulting, and all sorts of things...they are not going to work,"
Then Malaysiakini adds the punchline, " His sentiments, to a certain extent, echoed that of Umno vice-president Hishammuddin Hussein, who said the allegations were meant to divert the party gathering."
Now isn't that a typical case of the saying "fools seldom differ?"
I thought that Hishamuddin was banned from talking to the press, but like Rosmah he loves some of the limelight too, after all he is the son of one of our Prime Ministers, and the founder of UMNO, but has the distinction of bringing shame to the Onn clan, Turkish at times and Malay at other times, this man is a Turkey.
We all know that both our previous and present Ministers of Home Affairs are not the most intelligent beings in the country, but then, to go around like cowboys arrest anyone at their own whims and fancies, and
then make stupid statements, who better for Najib to use than two idiots?
It is typical UMNO strategy, which Mahathir used so often and that explains the succession he has passed on.
It is written the signs are there, there are too many, that the next elections is going to render a huge blow to the present day BN government, a blow that will take them at least 20 years to recover from and if they do not already realise it, they better do now.
My advice to the corrupt is to leave the country before the elections, is to testify to the Truth, in order not to get caught, and prosecuted and sent to jail, all your ill gotten gains will be taken back by the people for the people it is after all the money of the people, if you are under suspicion you will not be allowed to go overseas even if you are sick, very sick, we have the Doctors to treat you here, you will be treated the same way you treated those whom you fixed no different.
Musa Hassan?
After what he did to Anwar Ibrahim surely at the request of his superiors including a former UMNO chieftain, surely it must be seen that he was a player in a whole scheme to rid the country of Anwar, the man who knew too much and who had publicly declared that there would be no more nepotism, cronyism and corruption in UMNO.
In UMNO this could not happen, no one could get into UMNO and declare such "nonsense," so anwar had to go at all costs, and they madee sure he did, so now when the Truth is coming out there is fear in the corridors of power, UMNO power.
This man Musa Hassan is not going to come out in the open to say such things like the government intervened with his work unless it really happened and unless he has some really compelling reasons to.
No Malaysian in his proper frame of mind would have accepted that PI Bala was forced to come out with the Statutory Declaration to implicate Najib, everyone believed him when he said that the carpet man was involved, that carpet man has now come out and is revealing the truth albeit in installments.
So why is the truth coming out in installments?
Well we'll dwell on that later, and now all these men who were their trusted lieutenants are now looked upon as conniving opportunists working together with the opposition to oust Najib for no rhyme or reason does that make sense?
The key to the truth lies some where in the home of our Prime Minister it does not take a genius to figure that out, a moron would be able to have figured that out, and we have many of that kind of people in UMNO, I might have mentioned a few names earlier in this article and it is the duty of one of those to direct a full investigation, unless it was his office that ordered Altantuya's entry records by the Malaysian immigration removed.
Surely if they could get a Deputy Prime Minsiter on trumped up charges they can easily get this cop, they could and would for their own convenience they would even use the Anwar's case to get him,they are capable of doing that but why aren't they?
Why is Syed Hamid claiming that this is all a political ploy by the opposition?
The only reason is it has to be the truth, what these people are saying must be the truth, Deepak was a close friend of Rosmah, why did he suddenly turn against her and Najib?
There must be some elements of truth in it, and f the government goes for them, the truth will come out, that is something they can't afford, after all they have Mahathir Mohammed as the Prime Minister, the man for whom the ends justify the means.
If what Deepak is now saying is not the truth, then Najib should use the full force of the law to protect the sanctity of the office of the prime minster because the attacks are personally targeted on Najib bin Tun Razak, and it was whilst he was in office as the minister of defence.
It is not for the current minister of defence to come out to clear the issue he knows nothing about this he was not even in government at that time, so why is Najib so quiet?
Should he not sue Deepak? Should he not go to clear his name? Had it been the Lees down south they'd have sued the pants off Deepak?
Najib has failed to do this when in his personal capacity when he was accused by Raja Petra Kamaruddin, now when he is openly accused by PI Bala, and Deepak he is still hiding, is he afraid to come out in open court?
Well if that is no the case, and especially with all the implications derived from the interview with Deepak, will Rosmah at least subject herself to an interview with the press both international and local on these issues since there seems to be so much directed towards her too?
After all she is the "first lady" very eloquent, been overseas, held meetings with so many other first ladies, and even visited heads of states for which once Najib bragged that our students in Egypt got out safely because of her connections, she surely must have the ability, the eloquence and the presence of mind to handle these small time reporters on these issues. Can't She?
I am sure she is more than capable (she is the first Malaysian PM's wife to have declared herself "First Lady") and ever willing, surely this "first lady" who delights at the slightest opportunity for some of the limelight will given the opportunity, but Najib will not allow her to, he is so scared he will not allow her to.
When he was preparing to come to office I wrote an article on the need for him to first clear his name on the Altantuya case or, the office of the Prime Minister would be compromised, that was something that any decent man would have done before assuming such high office but, Najib Tun Razak did not see that necessity, neither did his mentor the Doctor because that would be so very convenient for him - the doctor>
A compromised PM would be easy for the picking, he can easily dictate terms like he so often does these days.
You can't hide too much under the carpet, it will swell with the heat and the carpets will even though well bound wall to wall burst at its seems and all the dirt will spill out for the world to see and that is what is happening now.
All the mantharam imported from Kerala will not work, mantharams are evil, it abhors the Truth, but the Truth cannot be suppressed for too long it will surface as is now happening.
I have my doubts about the sincerity of these players, I am convinced they are telling us the truth, but why in installments?
I believe, they are doing this because they are short changed, and so are reveling the truth in installments in the hope that the big pay day will come so that they can decide to keep quiet, but if that big pay day comes then they will look forward to another bigger pay day, after all it pays and it pays big.
I doubt Deepak's claims that he will tell all, he is waiting for the big payouts as soon as possible, he knows as much as Rosmah, Mahathir and Najib know that the end is near the BN government is going to be dumped, they all know that, they are trying their level best to intimidate the people, but this time it will not work.
Before this government falls all these players must collect their ill gotten gains promised to them by the big boys, they have to leave the country less they get caught for all the bad things they have done in concert with the BN and so they are letting out this truth in installments.
Remember that for the government to fall the majority of the Malays must vote the opposition and that is the definitive score today, all their polls have indicated that, so there is this feeling of deep despair amongst the top brass in UMNO, they can't give in to every PI, Carpet man or Cop or there won't be enough pay the UMNO division chiefs if they win the elections, and if they do not deliver there then all hell will break loose in UMNO itself.
Remember that the majority of the Police Force and the Military are made up of Malays, many of whose brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers and children will be with the opposition, vote the opposition so if this government were to fall they had best do the right thing and hand over power without any abuse, not the type that was applied when Selangor and Perak fell, and time was given to the outgoing government to take away with them so many "secrets" from office.
They never expected that Tsunami, at the next General Elections it is going to be a major earthquake.
The warning had been sounded by the Sabah delegates, in the most cordial of terms, they want to know what happened to the 44 million ringgit that went to UMNO they do not seem to have a clue about it, what they were actually saying to the whole General Assembly is, "WE DO NOT BELIEVE YOU" and that statement will be reflected in the Sabah election results in time to come.
So what is it here, Malaysiakini reports, "Musa had recently accused Hishammuddin, who is also home minister, of interfering with the police force, while Deepak claimed he had given "heavy contributions" to party president Najib Abdul Razak. "
Syed Hamid was reported to have said, "I think whatever sabotage, (attempts) to bring us down, disparage our name, insulting, and all sorts of things...they are not going to work,"
Then Malaysiakini adds the punchline, " His sentiments, to a certain extent, echoed that of Umno vice-president Hishammuddin Hussein, who said the allegations were meant to divert the party gathering."
Now isn't that a typical case of the saying "fools seldom differ?"
I thought that Hishamuddin was banned from talking to the press, but like Rosmah he loves some of the limelight too, after all he is the son of one of our Prime Ministers, and the founder of UMNO, but has the distinction of bringing shame to the Onn clan, Turkish at times and Malay at other times, this man is a Turkey.
We all know that both our previous and present Ministers of Home Affairs are not the most intelligent beings in the country, but then, to go around like cowboys arrest anyone at their own whims and fancies, and
then make stupid statements, who better for Najib to use than two idiots?
It is typical UMNO strategy, which Mahathir used so often and that explains the succession he has passed on.
It is written the signs are there, there are too many, that the next elections is going to render a huge blow to the present day BN government, a blow that will take them at least 20 years to recover from and if they do not already realise it, they better do now.
My advice to the corrupt is to leave the country before the elections, is to testify to the Truth, in order not to get caught, and prosecuted and sent to jail, all your ill gotten gains will be taken back by the people for the people it is after all the money of the people, if you are under suspicion you will not be allowed to go overseas even if you are sick, very sick, we have the Doctors to treat you here, you will be treated the same way you treated those whom you fixed no different.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
The AES System - "Let's Turn The Tables."
Don’t fight the AES system just screw it up, and screw it up by adhering to the law, even at 110 KPH you’d jam the major highways of the country so don’t fight it just screw it up and turn the tables, on them.
If what this blog is saying can be followed, I can guarantee all Malaysians that this AES scheme will get screwed up, and all the money the corrupt people behind this scheme hope to get will turn into nothing, nothing more than a terrible nightmare.
Let's give them this nightmare!!!!!!!
Here's how it is done.
How often have you tried to be a law
abiding citizen and set your car to auto cruise at 110 KPH or at 90KPH or even
at 80KPH as the speed limits of the various highways indicate, only to get an idiot come behind you and flash his headlights for what he
perceives is hogging and forces you off the fast lane.
If you travel at the maximum speed allowed on the fast lane you do not have to give way to anybody behind you even if it is the Prime Minister of Malaysia, or the Chief of Police and you should not do it, because you are doing the maximum allowed on the roads even in an emergency, and by giving way you are encouraging the driver behind you who wants to overtake to break the law, so stick to the max and keep on the lane, you are traveling at the maximum speed allowed on that road, anything faster will cost you a precious RM300/ of which half or fifty percent will go to the crony who is now being commissioned to operate the system to catch you.
Just imagine, this government's attitude is to make laws to make money out of you to feed their cronies who most often happen to be their own family members.
Just imagine, this government's attitude is to make laws to make money out of you to feed their cronies who most often happen to be their own family members.
Now with the introduction of the AES
if you are on the KESAS for instance, (the highway with the highest toll rates in the country) your Maximum Speed limit is 90 KPH.
Assuming you are coming from Klang
move to the far right, if you have one of today’s modern cars for which this
speed limits set are really so impractical, drive it at a very slow about 88KPH and turn on the auto cruise, which is the best
you should do ( do not do 90 KPH given that the Automated Systems will
have a margin of error) and continue at that speed regardless of any vehicle behind you. If you do 90KPH there is chance that you'd get caught for speeding as there are margins of error in the system, in your car etc. if they catch you for hogging tell them you are traveling at 90 KPH and that is the fastest allowed.

I stayed on the fast lane in the KESAS at 90 KPH and the Federal Highway at 80KPH at different times of course, I had a huge train behind me. and drivers staring at me when they overtook me on the left lane,
they would not have done that if they knew what I was up to, in the Federal Highway especially, because by the time I reached the Subang toll approaching from Klang at 11.00 a.m there were at least about fifty cars queuing in each of the TAG lanes alone, there were many many more arriving into the other lanes, I paid using my tag drove across parked my car on the far left, and smiled and watched the huge traffic jam I just created.
Do you see the impact?
At 90 KPH on the Kesas? Even 110 on the North south is too slow.
Do the same in all the other highways, I tried it on the KESAS and the Federal Highway and guess what?I stayed on the fast lane in the KESAS at 90 KPH and the Federal Highway at 80KPH at different times of course, I had a huge train behind me. and drivers staring at me when they overtook me on the left lane,
they would not have done that if they knew what I was up to, in the Federal Highway especially, because by the time I reached the Subang toll approaching from Klang at 11.00 a.m there were at least about fifty cars queuing in each of the TAG lanes alone, there were many many more arriving into the other lanes, I paid using my tag drove across parked my car on the far left, and smiled and watched the huge traffic jam I just created.
Do you see the impact?
Remember I was not hogging the
road, I was only going as fast as I am allowed to legally, if I decided to do it from Port Klang I really wonder how big a jam I would have created just to make sure I was not going to be victim of the AES and pay one of Najib's cronies maybe even his wife the fifty percent. I am told that Rosmah wants her finger in any business that is sure to win, and this may be one.
Screwing up the AES, Najib and all.
Pardon me for using the KESAS as the example, as it is my most frequented highway, it is a three lane highway and by the time I reach Bukit Jalil from Klang I pay a whopping RM6.60 and on my return it is the same, and so I pay as much as RM13.20 now that is more than what some people earn in a day, and that too I have to pay a hefty price for my fuel, because this government has given our subsidies to Mahathir's children and their cronies in the form of Petronas shares, so we do not enjoy the benefits derived out of our own resources, it is reserved for the higher ups in UMNO.
Now as usual I am digressing so let's return to the plan.
If you get into the Kesas at Port Klang interchange, remember when approaching you are supposed to be traveling at only 70 KPH that is the town limit, for the morning office hours crowds it is a a reasonable speed but I doubt you should be doing that, the roads are bad so take it slow, no hurry, because when this campaign begins even your bosses will be late for work no one can help it and even your bosses do not want to pay these kind of fines and are not foolish enough to fall for system to enrich people for free.
If you do what I suggest in the paragraph above you will bring a train with you into the KESAS, now move to your right and start your journey at a maximum speed of about 88 KPH that is just below the 90KPH reading on your meter and if you are doing that do it on the right lane, which is the right lane as it is called the speeding lane or the overtaking lane,and you can't overtake at a speed above 90 KPH
Screwing up the AES, Najib and all.
Pardon me for using the KESAS as the example, as it is my most frequented highway, it is a three lane highway and by the time I reach Bukit Jalil from Klang I pay a whopping RM6.60 and on my return it is the same, and so I pay as much as RM13.20 now that is more than what some people earn in a day, and that too I have to pay a hefty price for my fuel, because this government has given our subsidies to Mahathir's children and their cronies in the form of Petronas shares, so we do not enjoy the benefits derived out of our own resources, it is reserved for the higher ups in UMNO.
Now as usual I am digressing so let's return to the plan.
If you get into the Kesas at Port Klang interchange, remember when approaching you are supposed to be traveling at only 70 KPH that is the town limit, for the morning office hours crowds it is a a reasonable speed but I doubt you should be doing that, the roads are bad so take it slow, no hurry, because when this campaign begins even your bosses will be late for work no one can help it and even your bosses do not want to pay these kind of fines and are not foolish enough to fall for system to enrich people for free.
If you do what I suggest in the paragraph above you will bring a train with you into the KESAS, now move to your right and start your journey at a maximum speed of about 88 KPH that is just below the 90KPH reading on your meter and if you are doing that do it on the right lane, which is the right lane as it is called the speeding lane or the overtaking lane,and you can't overtake at a speed above 90 KPH
Now when you reach the Klang/Banting
intersection there will be a huge influx
of traffic joining you, keep your speed
and keep your lane because you may need to slow down to allow traffic in, allow
them in and continue to do what you have been doing. Those coming from Klang have to take the same approach, keep to right if you are doing the maximum speed at 88KPH, slower cars in the middle and end lanes.
Then the next groups to join the huge train we will be creating will be drivers from the Bandar Botanic and
Bandar Puteri intersections, all have to
follow suit if you want to go fast which many of you do, follow the max 88KPH
rule, there as as many as 6 cameras on one side of that highway alone and if you are caught by one in one day you'll end up paying RM1800, I am sure you are not in such a generous mode unless of course you are a director of the AES Company where you can even get your summons quashed, or even if you can't what is to you, you will only use our money to pay your summons.
We have to develop that habit in the KESAS the 90 KPH maximum speed on the right lane which is the right lane for speeding, and the maximum speed is 90 KPH or you break the law, and if you do that this stupid government and its cronies are going to kiss arse.
We have to develop that habit in the KESAS the 90 KPH maximum speed on the right lane which is the right lane for speeding, and the maximum speed is 90 KPH or you break the law, and if you do that this stupid government and its cronies are going to kiss arse.
Now by the time the traffic has reached the Jalan Kebun interchange we would have built a considerable train of vehicles following us, continue doing what you are doing speeding at 88KPH you are not supposed to
go faster than 88 KPH, we would have by now created a massive jam at the Bukit
Kemuning toll gate, if you see that jam you have reason to be happy for once, just imagine being happy to see a jam, I bet you you will be happy, I experienced it and I know and you'll know you created a massive traffic Jam, and I really can't describe how happy it will be.
Create a Grid Lock Day in Day out
The cameras from Port Klang to the Bukit Kemunig intersection will record a (what a good friend of the family once referred Aunt Johnson) dapat kosong for the owners of the AES.
Create a Grid Lock Day in Day out
The cameras from Port Klang to the Bukit Kemunig intersection will record a (what a good friend of the family once referred Aunt Johnson) dapat kosong for the owners of the AES.
Now by the time you reach USJ or the Kewajipan interchange you would have helped triple the massive jams coming from both sides
that is if the other side adopts the same approach, the police will take leave
and go into hiding, because what you’ll do is effectively create a grid lock
but believe me it is not you who are doing this, you are being a most responsible person by obeying the law, it is the system and the antiquated piece of legislation that is doing it, you
are legally right it is happening because they want to enforce the laws and
because we want to follow the same the only difference is we do not want to be fooled into enriching them.
The approach continues on all highways on all intersections, for those of you who do not know, a grid lock is when traffic comes to a standstill.
The approach continues on all highways on all intersections, for those of you who do not know, a grid lock is when traffic comes to a standstill.
The people approaching the highways
from the townships of Klang, Shah Alam,
and Subang Jaya , Petaling Jaya,
Puchong, Cheras, Kajang etc. will have to be mindful on the fast lane, if on the fast lane be only at the maximum speed allowed so you can't be charged for hogging, in
the townships you will follow the limits, in some places it is 60KPH but it is
mostly 70KPH for town limits although there are areas where it is as low and
30KPH follow them religiously do not break the law be very law abiding if the roads are bad go slower it is alright.
This will bring huge numbers of
traffic in town to crawl, do not try and do not attempt illegal maneuvers , just follow the law and we’ll create a grid lock like this
police force and the Government in particular have never seen. It will expose the inadequacy of their traffic schemes that they keep bragging about.
Do not obey the policeman if he tells you to speed, you are going to be caught by another system and you do not want that, because the Police will wash their hands off once the ticket for RM300 arrives on your doorstep.
Do not obey the policeman if he tells you to speed, you are going to be caught by another system and you do not want that, because the Police will wash their hands off once the ticket for RM300 arrives on your doorstep.
The same must be followed in the LDPE, the Silk, all the highways that have heavy trafficc for it is here that the system will be put in place the Penang Bridge is a one other gold mine for this AES System so do the same there. The Penang bridge will be chaotic at the least.
Now can you see how this government works, it creates laws not to protect you but rather to screw you up, it knows or it perceives you to be stupid, so every time it wants to collect money from you in one form or another it creates the situation, the money collected from you does not go to the government to come back to you in some form of a benefit, it only goes to feed themselves and their cronies, to buy palatial homes overseas, to keep the money stashed in overseas banks so that when they have bled us dry they can abscond to their new homes in Europe, America and Australia. These people are not interested you in me, not interested in the Bumiputra, all the slogans they use are only for their own personal benefit. "Nambekei" my foot nambekei especially Najib of all people.
Your BN Government and How it plays its role.
Now can you see how this government works, it creates laws not to protect you but rather to screw you up, it knows or it perceives you to be stupid, so every time it wants to collect money from you in one form or another it creates the situation, the money collected from you does not go to the government to come back to you in some form of a benefit, it only goes to feed themselves and their cronies, to buy palatial homes overseas, to keep the money stashed in overseas banks so that when they have bled us dry they can abscond to their new homes in Europe, America and Australia. These people are not interested you in me, not interested in the Bumiputra, all the slogans they use are only for their own personal benefit. "Nambekei" my foot nambekei especially Najib of all people.
Your BN Government and How it plays its role.
Well if Bukit Aman comes to me for
publishing this article it will only be because they’ll not be able to collect money and that is
true, they will do it at the instigation of the Government and the Attorney
General will draft the charges against me. Will they be able to? Of course tell me where
they have failed, they always succeed in making the illegitimate look so
This brings me back to the crux of
the whole issue, this government is not keen in teaching people to follow the
laws, they are not keen to show people the relevance of the laws, they are so lawless themselves they are crooks and so we have with them the law of the jungle.
They make new laws, put them in place, then use the enforcement people to go after every Anwar, Kit Siang and Karpal for supposedly breaking it, but when they break these laws it is alright, and the protection they have is the attorney general, he can choose to prosecute or not, and believe me our present attorney general will never on his own initiative either initiate a prosecution nor investigation against the big guns in government, he actually finds that impossible in a system that is already compromised.
This government is not interested to ensure road safety, they never were, a look at our road signs will tell you that they love to confuse you no end, so that you pay maximum toll, now they have resorted to this traffic fines for speeding to increase their ill gotten gains from self enriching revenue schemes such as this.
On the North South a speed limit of 110 is a dangerous speed, because with today's modern cars this speed is really slow, the monotony of the drive is bound to make a driver sleepy, they know it and yet they will not increase that limit, however it is okay for them with outriders to travel at between 130KPH and 160 KPH when they use these highways. Is that not dangerous for the outriders, the drivers of the vehicles and the rest?
I'd think up to 130 KPH for a 2000 cc vehicle is safe, but in the excesses of that even the Prime Minister's car is not safe, because of his body weight alone and even in the case of the combined weight of him and Rosmah would drastically affect the stability of the car. The highway is no racing track.
They make new laws, put them in place, then use the enforcement people to go after every Anwar, Kit Siang and Karpal for supposedly breaking it, but when they break these laws it is alright, and the protection they have is the attorney general, he can choose to prosecute or not, and believe me our present attorney general will never on his own initiative either initiate a prosecution nor investigation against the big guns in government, he actually finds that impossible in a system that is already compromised.
This government is not interested to ensure road safety, they never were, a look at our road signs will tell you that they love to confuse you no end, so that you pay maximum toll, now they have resorted to this traffic fines for speeding to increase their ill gotten gains from self enriching revenue schemes such as this.
On the North South a speed limit of 110 is a dangerous speed, because with today's modern cars this speed is really slow, the monotony of the drive is bound to make a driver sleepy, they know it and yet they will not increase that limit, however it is okay for them with outriders to travel at between 130KPH and 160 KPH when they use these highways. Is that not dangerous for the outriders, the drivers of the vehicles and the rest?
Their actions show that they intend to capitalize from this law
rather than use it effectively for the benefit of the people, the companies entrusted to carry out this
exercise are forecasting billions in revenue and pre-tax
profits, escalating over the years, have you ever heard of such a thing in law
enforcement - profiteering.
How vulgar can it get?
How vulgar can it get?
Can these two be safe in a speeding car?
They are making fools of us, bad
enough after the next elections if they win, we are going to pay tax for buying
underwear and everything else, we’ll pay income tax, we pay road tax, now they
are running out of avenues to steal from us and they have decided on the AES, it is a big one.
Mahathir has publicly admitted that
he has enriched his sons, and has asked why only when it was him we make noise. Is that how a "leader" rationalises?
Leaving all that aside remember to
keep to the fast lane at the maximum speed, if you do 110KPH coming in from
Seramban daily for work in KL and stick to the fast lane remember you are not
wrong that is the fastest you can go and you are not to encourage others from
breaking the law by giving way for them to go faster, you can clog the
Seramban KL highway, if you follow the limits going into Melaka it will be a
huge surprise, but the Klang valley will suffice it is here they’d hope to make
their billions from.
Four toll highways, the NKVE at
110KPH you’ll do 108Kph and lock your auto cruise, the Federal Highway at 80KPH
so you’ll do 78 KPH and KESAS at 90 KPH so you’ll do 88KPH and I can assure you we’d
bring this system to a grinding halt or get realistic speed limits and send this AES system to the grave, let us bury it together with the BN.
The surest way to make a fast buck
was to put up speed highways and place slow maximum limits on those highways,
that is something we all knew, now they have found a way to enhance this at the
expense of the rakyat too.
What is actually happening is that
Malaysians are being made to pay for their own indifference, yes, it is our indifference that we are paying for and it is time to put a stop to it now.
We can’t be that way anymore, we have
to fight it, we have to fight fire with fire so wake up.
I am not asking you to break the law in anyway, I am encouraging you to adhere to the law, adhere to laws put in place to screw you up and then in the process screw them up.
This can be done and it must be done, I urge the opposition parties to champion this cause, I know some good UMNO people who will give me their fullest blessings but because they are so UMNO they can't come out in the open.
I was there today at the UMNO GE, not in the hall though, I heard the talk about "Ketuanan Melayu" that was all the big boys were talking to members about, I was in the corridors to listen to the whispers when my good friend ZH quietly told me that I had been spotted, someone had recognized me and the word was spreading to get me out, I slipped out quietly.
I'll be connecting with ZH soon, from what I managed to learn the Najib camp and the Muhyidin camp were still suspicious of each other, everyone thinkgs Hishamuddin is a fool, I wonder how he made it up there though, but I did not find out more I have ZH and many others to keep me posted for my later writings.
I will not be surprised if he calls for elections now, it looks very much like it, and then you'll see how true what I said about the Muhyidin pressure on him is all about.
I am not asking you to break the law in anyway, I am encouraging you to adhere to the law, adhere to laws put in place to screw you up and then in the process screw them up.
This can be done and it must be done, I urge the opposition parties to champion this cause, I know some good UMNO people who will give me their fullest blessings but because they are so UMNO they can't come out in the open.
I was there today at the UMNO GE, not in the hall though, I heard the talk about "Ketuanan Melayu" that was all the big boys were talking to members about, I was in the corridors to listen to the whispers when my good friend ZH quietly told me that I had been spotted, someone had recognized me and the word was spreading to get me out, I slipped out quietly.
I'll be connecting with ZH soon, from what I managed to learn the Najib camp and the Muhyidin camp were still suspicious of each other, everyone thinkgs Hishamuddin is a fool, I wonder how he made it up there though, but I did not find out more I have ZH and many others to keep me posted for my later writings.
I will not be surprised if he calls for elections now, it looks very much like it, and then you'll see how true what I said about the Muhyidin pressure on him is all about.
Friday, November 16, 2012
It's the final countdown - it's Exclusively Najib
There is a virtual media blackout and the focus is exclusively on Najib.
On directives, a smattering has been offered to Muhyiddin but it has to be exercised with great caution and the media are to be selective about what and how to report his activities.
Chua Soi Lek has been moved to the opium room, he is to sit in the darkness of the opium dens contemplating his next moves for the General Elections, save from hidden cameras, whist he will be given a peek or two in the media.
MIC will remain in the doldrums, and can only appear with Najib or appointed UMNO men who will speak on their behalf, MIC by itself can do nothing only UMNO can, that is the message and it applies to MCA too.
Hishamuddin is to be totally blacked out, he tends to throw the spanner into the works by exposing his level of intelligence, so in order to save the blushes his mouth taped, and Nazri has been appointed as limited spokesman, whilst Rais has been asked to go into virtual retirement his usefulness or rather uselessness has been served.
It is a high level hardcore campaigning that has begun, it's focus is on Najib and Najib alone, it is a kind of "Rosmah Strategy," in which one must be able to read between the lies, as is usually the case.
The Indian Promise
In his Deepavalli campaign and part of his "Nambekei Campaign" he lined up the present and past MIC top brass to ensure the Indians that the Condo project by dolomite Industries next to Batu Caves would be halted to save the caves and the Sri Maha Mariaman temple.Let us now read between these lies.
Way back in the 70's the same firm that has been given the approval to build the Condo by the previous BN government, was amongst others including the JKR who had quarries that were blasting the rock in the area, the other being the Kennison Quarry.The Dolomite blasting site was a mere 500 meters or so from what is called the dark caves.
To better understand what we are talking about, Batu Caves was the name given to a whole formation of caves in the area, which includes the Temple cave, the dark cave, the Sakai cave, the Museum cave, the Fallen cave and the Quarry cave.
The Sakai cave and the Quarry cave are known to be completely destroyed.
The amount of money reportedly paid to the Selangor (BN) Government at that time by the two Quarries (that was in 1970's) was 300 thousand pounds annually, yes Sterling Pounds and not ringgit.
In the mid 70's Shahabat Alam Malaysia (SAM) initiated a save the "Save Batu Caves Campaign" which was almost immediately supported by the Malaysian Nature Society, The Environmental Protection Society and the Batu Caves Protection Society which the then BN state government of Selangor actually treated with disdain and were hardly concerned about.
They were totally indifferent to these groups and yet some members of the Batu Caves Protection society who have claimed to have fought hard at that time pretend not to know the real problem today and support the BN Government who are the actual culprits behind the condo project.
In 1978, as usual at the eleventh hour the Ministry of Science Technology and environment submitted an urgent report to the Selangor Government warning that serious damage would berfall the caves if immediate action was not taken as cracks began to appear in the caves.
Sometime in 1980 two years after that report was sent to the Selangor (BN) government the blasting was ordered to come to halt in June, albeit after prolonged delays, and with damage already in place, more cracks on the caves and stalagmites had come falling down the action was deemed to have been unnecessarily delayed.
Later despite this damage, the Selangor (BN) government of the time after having ordered the quarries to cease operations by June of that year gave them an extension to December 31st for reasons that the infrastructure for the new sites given to these quarries were not in place.
The BN Governemtn was not bothered about the Hindus and their interests, the quarries brought in more money probably and although this is National Monument it seemed to be of no significance, it could be come crumbling down and they would not care the damn and this attitude was publicly displayed by the Selangor State (BN) Government.
The BN State government's arrogance has been long forgotten but let me take all of you down memory lane again and refresh your memories, the then Chariman of the Selangor State (BN) Government's Batu Caves Committee Sabaruddin Cik in response to the protest of the NGO's urging the State government not to extend the blasting deadline had this to say, "the members of the Save Batu Caves Campaign can jump from an aeroplane, sleep on the road, slaughter goats or do anything but the State (BN) Government will stand firm on its decision." This was the disdain with which the BN government of Selangor treated the Hindus and the Batu Caves, it would at a later stage in its history manifest this again in the destruction and desecration of temples in the state.
Today this same man who as Deputy Prime Minster did not lift a finger whilst the Selangor Menteri Besar of the time the infamous Khir Toyo went about breaking and desecrating Hindu Temples,and whose government was responsible for the award of the condo project is promising the Indians that "if" they vote the BN inot power, he'll make sure that the condo project is scrapped.
Why the "if"? Is he really sincere?
Do the Indians make the majority of the voting population in the state?
How can the Indians and in particular the Hindus (as there are Muslims, Christians and Sikhs among the Indians) ensure a BN victory?
Can't he as Prime Minster use his powers to save a "National Monument" right now?
Why wait till the elections are over and set it as a condition on a minority to win the state for him?
Where is the sincerity if there must be a condition?
Even if Barisan wins the state which is almost an impossibility, will he say that it was not won on Indian vote alone and let the condo project continue?
Can't he also claim the Indians voted against him? You can do anything with a minority, and the Indians are a minority who this BN government nevver treated well at all.
Where is the Nambekei?
Can this man be trusted?
What we know that he as Prime Minster has the powers to stop the project iimediately as it poses a great danger to a National Monument, declared such under the third Malaysia plan.
Indians will be really foolish to vote the BN there is no sincerity at all.
What agreement the Selangor government had with Dolomite and Kennison is anybody's guess, all papers were taken out of the State Government building before the handing over of power and we all know that.
More importantly
Save for the Temple in the caves, which is sacred to all Hindus in the country and many Taoists and Buddhists, it is is also a big draw for Tourists, in fact the biggest tourist attraction in the KL Selangor region because of this Temple, this cave is a national monument that status was granted these caves in the Third Malaysia Plan.
It is also home to the maxburretia a rare and beautiful palm found no where else in the world but on these limestone hills, and at least two Hoya Occulasa an ornamental house plant including 175 other species that can only be found in such limestone hills. It is also common knowledge the caves are home to bats and snakes of various kinds and yet the BN Government has not been really bothered about it, in fact they even did not bother about the sanctity of the Temple having attacked the HINDRAF members who sought refuge there and that attack was given tacit support of the MIC at that time.
Today the same BN government who approved the Condominium project with the full knowledge of its MIC members who sat at the various meetings are pointing the finger at Pakatan Rakyat.
Those are the lies about the Batu Caves, there is no real motivation for the MIC to ask Najib to put a stop to the destruction of this Temple first, on the grounds that it is sacred to the Hindus, secondly and yet importantly to them and all Malaysians, on the grounds that it is a National Monument which gives him Najib the power to intervene, so why the "If."
Now all that is not at all important to the MIC and the BN, what is, are their seats in the Selangor State assembly that is all the MIC and the BN are interested in, nothing less, nothing more and therefore the MIC supports the Najib's "If."
"IF" is found only in the dictionary of fools, are all Indians to be made fools of?
The All Important Lynas
Why has Najib shied out of the Lynas project.Has he or Rosmah got a vested interest in that project?
Are there other Malaysians who are not supposed to be named involved in that project?
Why is such a project that has absolutely no benefit to this nation being given so much?
Can other Malaysians who will benefit from this project, have such interest registered it registered in a separate country to avoid detection?
There are just too many questions to be asked of a government who seemingly sells the souls of its people for material gain.
Lynas will operate in Malaysia on a prolonged tax holiday in spite of the fact that no other country in the world would want to have this plant in their territory, even Australia that is now suffering job shortages does not want it there, although they have vast tracks of uninhabited land and the raw material on their own home ground they'll not do it even if it were for premium tax benefits the kind that they'll get from no other operations to relieve their governments of their respective revenue burdens.
Why then is Malaysia granting Lynas the opportunity to operate this rare earth plant that is proven to be dangerous, here on a tax holiday after we have suffered the consequences of such operations in Bukit Merah?
The Philippines will not have it, Indonesia will not have it both countries have islands that are free in which they could site this plant, but in Malaysia boleh lah, because we have got Barisan Nasional, they'll sell kit and kin for their own benefit and we have seen that time and again.
We have the distinct advantage or should I say the disadvantage of having had first hand experience of what this does from the Bukit Merah project in Perak that is indeed a distinct advantage when it comes to even thinking of putting up such a plant, but our authorities have just decided to go ahead, the gains to them are many although Malaysians in general will have very little to benefit.
Even China which is the world largest producer of rare earth has warned the world that is going to drastically cut down its production, in fact China is scaling it down as it now sees the ill effects of the project and even in that nation now the effects are being seen and the people are revolting only that all such news have been blanked out.
China will scale down to the extent that they will have sufficient only for domestic industry demand, this means that all foreign countries that have been dependent on China will have to look elsewhere.
Will Lynas now double or even triple its capacity to dope with the China vacuum to our detriment?
The waste product that comes out of processing rare earth are the dangerous material, we do not have rare earth here in Malaysia, it is abundant in Austrailia, it is a source of great revenue, the Australians are laughing, they are going to sell the rare earth to us and we are going to carry the risks and the burden.
The burden is exposure to radiation to our citizens, what will happen to all our tourists resorts in Pahang and the East Coast?
What will happen to life in the East Coast itself?
Are there any traceabilty systems put in place to ensure that all the biproduct or rather waste are sent back to Australia?
And how can that be when Australia has declared that it will not allow this material abck to their respective countries?
If it is not going to be stored in Malaysia are we going top be party to a clandestine effort to have it sent to a poorer third world country in retuned for some form of bribery to its ministers?
If it does not pose a risk or danger as we have been told so many times have Najib, Mahathir, Muhyiddin, all the UMNO, MIC and MCA exco use it as building material for the homes of their own children.
Will they dare do that to prove to us that the material is not dangerous?
The people of Pahang have been crying out, to this government.
Theirs is a BN Government in the state, they have been crying out to Najib who is from Pahang too.
Najib has not dared go and meet them, and the only reason one can see is because the interest groups in this Lynas project have already collected their dues from the interested parties in advance, they have all been committed to this project in one way or another, there seemingly is no turning back.
Few Malaysians if any, will want to work on this project when they see how it will affect their lives, then these positions will be filled with more foreigners.
Those who work there and continue to, even after discovering the hazards will do so out of sheer desperation. Now is this how we want to treat our people?
The Company will not be paying taxes when it should be paying compounded taxes for such a project, but even with that we should be saying "No Thanks."
So what is the benefit of this dangerous Lynas plant?
Now are there Malaysians of sufficient influence who are to be beneficiaries of this project?
The answer can only be a resounding, Yes!!!.
Is the leadership of UMNO or for that matter Barisan Nasional aware of who these people are?
The answer is yet another resounding, Yes!!! It is people - most probably from their very own ranks.
Given all the hazards such a venture will subject the citizens of this country to, and given the fact that this government is totally indifferent to the desperate calls of its own people it can't be any other way.
There must be personal and vested interests of groups or individuals aligned to the Barisan Nasional with this Lynas project it can't be any other way.
Raub's Gold Mine
Raub is the other case, it has been suffering in silence.
Will Najib go to Raub, will he meet with citizens who live next to the Gold mine, or will he allow the interested parties to twist the arms of the poor who live there.
I went there I saw for myself what is happening there, some of them are so scared to speak, they have been intimidated and they have told me so.
Both Kuantan and Raub are in Pahang - Najib's home state, he pretends nothing is wrong, and he allows it to happen, can a man who does not even care for his own home state care for the country?
Should we always wait to see and regret in hindsight, remember what Sababruddin Cik said in Selangor at the height of the Batu Caves campaign, rememebr Mahathir Bin Mohammed defending the Bukit Merah Rare Earth project, where he sent his own people to the slaughter so to speak, the profits probably far outweighed the lives of the poor people of Bukit Merah and remember that most of them were poor Chinese.
So Chua Soi Lek come out of your opium den, or are you going to tell the people of Kuantan and Raub "if the MCA wins all will be right?" is that to be the condition or are you convinced all is right with the Lynas plant, will you use the the used material which is deemed to be dangerous to build homes for your children?
I'll not bet on that, after all you are from MCA.
As one of my Chinese friends so rightly put it, "the entire MCA General Assembly was directed towards UMNO," it was so glaringly shown there that MCA are nothing but servants of UMNO, serving the interests of the UMNO warlords.
Remember Memali, Mahathir created it and blamed Musa for it. Memali was not in Johor, it was in Kedah, he was born in Kedah the son of a man of Malabari origins from India, he could not and refused to empathize with this group of rural Malays, see what is happening to the Penans in Sarawak, is it the work of people who care?
Whilst UMNO reigns supreme betraying its trust given by the Malays all these years, where UMNO elite have taken all the benefits for themselves and the MCA and the MIC follow suit leaving parties like the Gerakan to look like orphaned children they are neither here nor there, they may mean good but their association with the "Scoundrels of Malaysian Politics" the BN has placed them in that category and they consequently have lost the trust of the people now it seems the whole of BN is driving in that direction.
Winning Elections using imported "Manthram"
This is a time tested strategy of many in UMNO and Najib's today UMNO is no different, unknown to many staunch UMNO members who are staunch Muslims this practice goes on.
You do not win elections by the use of black magic imported from Kerala by one of your cronies.
Although the use of manthram was a method practiced by many UMNO men including one who thought he would be resurrected after being chopped up by local a lady Bomoh and two of her followers, there have been others who for a long time now have been importing this from South India.
The manthram I am referring to has nothing to with Hinduism or any other religion, it is purely a form of Indian Witchcraft shunned upon by peoples of all religions in India.
Ask the Malaysian Hindus and they'll tell you that the biggest and strongest "manthram" comes from Kerala, it is supposed to be very powerful, and it is said that a Malaysian Christian Indian - a close confidante of the very unpopular spouse of a very senior minister is out there bringing back this portions for his mentor with whom there is a huge joint business project at hand.
Both the spouse of the senior minister and this businessman have many common traits they share besides just this manthram and their new business venture.
The project that will be shared with this spouse of the minister and this Malaysian Indian manthram man is apparently part of the big allocations meant for Bumiputras. She, not having the expertise, plus the lack confidence that her husband will not be around in power for long, has decided to share this with the big Indian businessman who is also the defacto manthram man, after all he knows the source manthram so for her its a case have manthram will do.
What was promised to the Bumiputeras in the NEP and subsequently after the NEP, is and always has been actually grabbed UMNO elite, leaving the crumbs for a newly created middle class Bumiputeras who drive around in Honda Accords and BMWs but who can ill afford even its maintenance leave alone the petrol, they are the real poor who have to look rich on empty pockets, I am sure if they read this they will realise it.
The removal of English as the medium of instruction in schools where even English teachers can't speak the language well was done to keep the Malay masses ignorant, and together with the control of the Malaysian mass media they'd be able to control these Bumiputera masses who would subsequently keep them in power.
With that ignorance they can continue to manipulate the Malays the way they have always done, and the assurance being able to continue to manipulate the masses is there in the Malaysian education system today.
The inability to address the question of vernacular schools, and its purpose, the hindrance such schools pose towards national integration 55 years after Independence is a planned objective of this government, it is in dividing the nation that they will rule, so a recent call for a rebirth of our Merdeka is not too wrong.
Surely in the next 45 years we should be able to come together as one people and one nation regardless of race or creed, we must identify as Malaysians and surely too we can't do this with he BN or with UMNO for that matter.
That is a quality I see among Malaysians of all races who are outside the confines of this BN framework and its mindset.
Today 55 years after independence the greatest majority of the "have nots" in the Malaysian populace are the Malays and the other Bumiputeras, it is only lip service that is paid to them, all the allocations meant for their betterment has been channeled to make multi - millionaires and multi billionaires of the selected few children of top ministers and their cronies as can be clearly witnessed, one has even been voted to be awarded the businessman of the year by UMNO.
Whist these elite become rich at the expense of the masses any attempt to ask for better and more meaningful minimum wages is being touted as "detrimental to national productivity which will scare away foreign direct investment" by this BN government, when the real detriment to national productivity in this country is the widespread "corruption, nepotism and cronyism" the very issues for the incarceration Anwar Ibrahim if you remember well.
Yet with all this, this government led by Najib is going around this country with its slogan of "Janji di tepati," and the people influenced by state controlled media are beginning to believe it.
What the last elections proved is that Malaysians can't be easily fooled, the question is are they going to be this time around?
The mass media has been ridiculed, no one believes them anymore, their political pages are shunned, by the very people who buy the papers, the big Deepavalli campaigning will be followed by a big X'mas rally where he will play Santa Claus he has the body to play that role and an even bigger Chinese New Year campaign where Najib probably dressed as a Mandarin will hand out the RM500/- Ang Pows to the Chinese shunning Muhyiddin's call for earlier elections in December, paving the way for elections in early or mid March.
Note dressing up like Sanata Claus may make him beholden to some Christains, but will drive Ibrahim Ali on a rampage and things may get worse it he dresses up as a mandarin.
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