Sunday, November 20, 2022


 By Toffee

20th November 2022


It has been reported in the media that Anwar has claimed that PH has a simple majority or 111 seats, that is just good enough to scrape through the teeth for PH to form a government and for PN to throw a lot of stones at the new government.

Tular klip audio Anwar, Zahid bincang strategi semasa PAU - Agenda Daily 

 Anwar's 111 number fits this alliance exactly

The 111 seats claimed by Anwar makes BN the likely candidate for the coalition, and if BN wants to come into government it has come on PH's terms and PH should not concede any of its principles especially that of weeding out Corruption Nepotism and Cronyism.                                      

This will mean that Zahid will nto have his way of letting the corrupt free as he stated in his speech to the BN chiefs at a pre-election rally.

PH must determine  the Cabinet, The PM his deputy, the Home Ministry, the Minisitry of foreign affairs, Education, Human Resources, Works & Telecommunications, Technology, Rural Development, the the Speaker of the House, the Attorney General and the Ministers, Deputy Ministers and the rest, including the Police Chief, the MACC head and more.

Ineffective Directors General of Ministries should be relieved of their duties, we can't have members of the civil service going around defying Government orders at their own whims and fancies, it has happened under the past administration.

Zahid and Ismail Sabri must be denied ministerial positions, so that the new cabinet which must be trimmed must reflect people who will be able to govern well, with integrity and be seen clean and corruption free - Anwar has to live up to his call for an end to "Corruption, Nepotism,and Cronyism", he must be true to his word.

A bold step to wipe out vote buying must take shape, there is ample video evidence for this and it has to be used to bring to justice the perpetrators, this has to be stamped out throughout the nation. 

We need to take a closer look at the registrar of Societies who seems to be very lop sided in decisions of registering parties.

There is  a danger here of caving in to the demands of UMNO it is rather common knowledge that UMNO will change camp the minute things do not go their way for PN to form Government with others including UMNO.

I have spoken earlier of the Maufakat Nasional and I think that is the move on the cards now, I predicted the "Maufakat Nasional Jig" with PN, BN and PAS forming an alliance.



There is this inherent fear of Anwar by by many UMNO, Bersatu and PAS leaders and they will do just anything to ensure that Anwar  does nto become PM, they'll even shake hands with the devil.

Read my earlier article on the Maufakat Jig that is just what is panning out here, however Zahid has chemistry with Anwar being an Anwar supporter before but a Barisan BN coalition looks weak and now that Azmin and Zuraida have been thrown into the dustbin of political history in this country a joint government with Bersatu without PAS may be the best alternative.


 Johor Menteri Besar Onn Hafiz Ghazi has called for Zahid Hamidi’s immediate resignation as coalition chairman as he should take responsibility for Barisan's and UMNO's poorest performance in the History of the party.

Onn Gahzi Zahid said Zahid  should follow in former prime minister Najib Razak’s footsteps after the party’s election defeat in 2018 and also resign as Umno president. 

After Zahid posted a statement on Facebook about the results, which he described  as a “big sign” for the bloc, UMNO members came out with posts in the social media condemning him and demanding his immediate resignation.

Abu Kassim an UMNO member from Perak said this was a  sure sign that the Almighty has punished UMNO for its arrogance and for using  race and religion to justify what they did, not only Najib but all Division Heads and members of Parliament who supported Zahid's call for early election should rightfully resign, they have caused irreparable damage to the party, and both Najib and Zahid must be dismissed from the party. 

Tow other ex UMNO members Tajuddin and Shahidan Kaassim have called for the immediate resignation of Zahid.

According to UMNO sources more UMNO leaders including Hishamuddin Husein Onn wwill call for Zaahid's reignation










Thursday, November 17, 2022


 by Toffee

17th November 2022.




                Our Next PM he speaks Excellent Bahasa and English unlike the others.


                                  MUAFAKAT MASIONAL

 Even before campaigning fifteenth General Elections began Zahid Hamidi the President of UMNO made one thing clear, if the BN did not win this election he, Wee Ka Siong, Saravanan and many more were going to jail and we all know for what - the Hallmark of the BN - CORRUPTION, MONEY LAUNDERING, CRONYISM AND NEPOTISM.


The Elections were  slated for the rainiest part of this Monsoon season, as the BN realises then when voter turnout is low they win, and that is why  they have ve3ry  high success rates at by-elections, so they decided to make it hard on us to turn up.

Up to that point they were confident of a BN swoop, they were confident that the world's famous Kleptocrat would come out of Jail to campaign and that the courts would allow him, or at least that he would be able to send videos from jail  and everything fell flat, smack on their faces.


 As the campaigning progressed they noticed one stark difference,  infighting in UMNO where accusations are being thrown from one party leader to the other, there are distinctively 3 camps in UMNO, the Zahid camp that includes his deputy Tok Mat, the Ismail Sabri camp that includes Khairy Jamaluddin and one more secretive and quiet camp of Hishamuddin Hussein on and the sad truth for these three factions is even if they get together they are not going to secure enough seats in the BN to go it alone and form Government,s o what do they do?

Well there is a plan I predicted it in my article UMNO, Bersatu, PAS in the Muafakat Nasional Jig exactly 2 months ago, now they are trying to hammer out that deal behind closed doors.

The issues in contention are;

a) the Court cluster Bersatu is not in favour of negotiating that issue and it is to be determined by the courts. 

b) The appointment of people in tkey positions including Judges and the Chief Justice, the Police Chief, the head of MACC and more.

c) PAS is demanding concessions for more Islamic laws to be introduced adn a move towards and Islamic state if the numbers permit without which PAS will not lend its support..

d) The formula for choosing the PM, as PAS and PN , it will be given to the party that has the most seats and this cannot include BN but only UMNO.  That has been proposed but PN is insisting that if it comes in it wants that position, and Muhyiddin is not backing away, so too Zahid. Remember  Ismail Sabri is only to be the "POSTER  BOY  as I stated in two  earlier articles.

e) The PN does not want Zahid in the cabinet in any position under any circumstances and they know they have the support of two UMNO fractions.

f) Zahid is proposing Hadi Awang as PM as a compromise.

Now with so many differences  can thethe Muafakat Nasional be realised?

Yes it can, it most certainly can because there is one very strong unifying factor that goes to the roots as to why all these crooks -without exception,  are in politics in the first place. 

If they do not unite or even if one of the parties cannot get the majority to form government then their biggest fear become a reality AND THAT IS;


 With Anwar as PM the entire gravy chain gets shut down, he will spoil the party, there will be  an end to "Ali Baba" contracts, Money Laundering, Cronyism, Nepotism and Corruption. That was their biggest benefit in politics, that is what Anwar brought to the forefront as the biggest scourge of the Nation for which he was jailed and they know that to him that is his life's mission and so;


All the ill gotten contracts, kick backs, illegal funding, and even money laundering will stop, that was Anwar's goal since 1967 and even earlier from the Baling incident of his University days and they know he is committed to it - A REFORMASI AGENDA, to them a vulgar term and the there is this real fear that they will bury the hatchet at the last moment agree to anything as long as Anwar does not become PM.




Wednesday, November 9, 2022


 by Toffee

9th November 2022


                                Both in the line of fire but each thinking the other is out

 Incidentally today is the 9th of November  - nine eleven of sorts, not the same as the 9/11 of the 11th of September 2001 when the gigantic twin towers in New York came tumbling down in New York.

This nine eleven, Ninth November 2022, i bring you the news of what is to happen if BN wins it may cause the collapse of some towering figures in UMNO

To begin with Ismail Sabri will not become Prime Minister that is for sure, he already knows it and is playing the quiet game because he does not want to lose the opportunity of a ministerial position and at the same time does not want to anger either Zahid or Najib.

According  to a well placed UMNO source from the Wanita and and the son of another well placed UMNO source whose father sits in the Supreme Council Najib is pulling the strings in the background.

All UMNO division heads and branch heads know that if BN forms the government Najib will be given a "get out of jail free ticket," and be pardoned for all wrong doings, so  Najib still has the clout to dictate terms.

Najib has named two persons, one is Zashid who he actually does not want to become PM, but only chose him as one of two, because Najib is not sure if he can trust Zahid.

He has no doubt that Zahid will buy him his freedom if BN wins, but he is afraid Zahid will not surrender the position of PM to him when he comes out.

Zahid has been vying this position for a long time and it seems to be passing him by, so Najib has submitted another name to the Supreme Council and that is Hishamuddin Hussein Onn, his cousin who since the beginning days of the PH government has been visiting Mahathir to plead both Najib's and Rosmah's cases, he was asking Mahathir not to pursue the cases - Mahathir can confirm that but he wont and you'll find out why as you  read further.

It was when Hishamuddin's efforts failed because Mahathir was not willing to accept his proposal do so, instead Mahathir gave  him a counter proposal that he would let Najib and Rosmah walk  only if UMNO dissolved itself and joined Bersatu which was impossible to accept.

                                   Hishamudin and Mahathir No deal

It was at this juncture when  Hishamuddin received Mahathir's impossible  counter proposal that he promised he'd get Jho Low back to Malaysia, something he has failed to do to this day even though he knows Jho Low is in China and he claims that the Chinese Foreign affairs Minister is his "Brother."

Mahathir was keen on getting UMNO dissolved and all UMNO members and assets into Bersatu so that he could form an all Malay Government with PAS and  without Anwar as the "turncoats" led by Azmin Ali in PKR were willing to lend him a hand do this, that is why Azmin Ali was not charged for Sodomy although the evidence was overwhelming.

                                     Azmin Hatchedd the plot with Mahathir for Government without Anwar



Mahathir was planning the downfall of the PH government the first day he stepped into the the office of PM after the PH victory.  All these facts were known to Muhyiddin and Azmin, and the plot was hatched.  

Muhyiddin was of course was adamant that Najib and Zahid would not be let off the hook and that  the equation did not include them.

Najib is  aware of all these moves, being  aware of these moves he stopped the dissolution of UMNO as he was still seeking the big seat - that of Prime Minister and he knew with Mahathir and Muhyiddin at the helm  he was roast, so too his wife and Zahid,  he stopped it and to this day Najib want's to return to the seat of Prime Minister of Malaysia.

Zahid had actually told Mahathir he would consider Mahathir's request on the dissolution of UMNO  he was wanting to save himself but the UMNO big wigs did not agree, Bersatu would dissolve all their positions of power and they were fully aware  both Mahathir Muhyiddin  knew what it takes to neutralise them.

Azmin was fully in the know and informed about these meetings by Mahathir.

Now Najib wants to make a return, he has slight doubts on Zahid's integrity, he knows only too well that there is no integrity nor honour among crooks and thieves, Mahathir proved that by his plot by which he planned the downfall of  Pakatan Harapan.

With all this Najib is bent on not allowing Zahid to become Prime Minister, the stage is already set should BN win, Hishamuddin will come from behind and take the office Prime Minister. Najib is fully confident that his cousin will return that office to him after he comes out of jail and goes for a by-election to reclaim his Pekan seat.

Zahid on the other hand is certain it is going to be him, he has collected the pledges, whilst Hishamuddin quietly lies in wait pledge or no pledge, as the word will come from Najib he knows should BN win.

There is a secret pact between Zahid and Hadi Awang to join forces to form government, Hadi's playing both sides of the coin, he is waiting to see which side serves his own interest,whilst Zahid realises he may need the numbers.

                                Lying in wait to get freed an become PM again

Hishamuddin has really nothing to do, all that has to happen is only wait, and like Zahid himself said "names will be given to the Yang de Pertuan Agong to decide the position of Prime Minister", and Zahid,  Najib knows will not be the choice with court cases hanging over him, that will be the reason, well of course Zahid is a bit of "dunggu" of sorts he does not see the game plan, and is confident he's goign to be King maker in the cabinet if BN wins.

Interesting times ahead only and only if BN wins or is able to do so with PAS support. 







Tuesday, November 8, 2022


by Toffee

Tarrence Tan of the Star reports that Muhyiddin will has promised Malaysians a Public Holiday if PN wins the elections.

                   That's the best I can do 1 day holiday

 What a desperately idiotic move to try  win the elections.

Is that the best Muhyiddin could offer a nation that is witnessing rising costs by the day, a fast depreciating Ringgit and a stock market which sees only one direction - a downward slide and where ordinary Malaysians are struggling to make ends meet?

This man really has no inclination, absolutely no inclination whatsoever  of how much the nation loses with  a single day off, he is not mentally  equipped to fathom that, to put it plainly - he is plain dumb.

If he has any brains at all, he will be telling people how he will improve our economy>
How he will strengthen our Ringgit that has been weakening since Najib's 1MDB fiasco and which took a steep plunge after he, yes, he Muhyiddin and his stupid Finance Minister Zafrul, wastefully handed out monies out to keep themselves in power.
This is not the worst, the worst is yet to come,. our Ringgit will plunge even further if BN or PN takes hold of government, this is what I have been told by a person in the know whose job keeps him intimately in touch with the international financial circles in Singapore.
As our ringgit plunges the cost of essentials are going to spiral sky high, ever notice that the buying power of your RM 50 is less then what  an RM10 could have done just about a year or two ago?

Why? I'll tell you why.

Because all these idiots are interested in is to get back into power and enjoy the benefits of their wages as Parliamentarians, all the fringe benefits and if that is not enough get more by way of corruption.
Can he tell us if he is going to cut the salaries of Ministers and what it will be if he wins?
Can he tell us what the salaries of the Menteris Besar will be and that of their cabinets?
can he tell us what the salaries of Deputy Ministers will be if he winss?
Can he tell us what the salaries of members of Parliament will be?
Can he also tell us how and by how much he will trim the allowances of the Prime Minister the other ministers the Menteris Besar, state assemblymen etc.?
The principle is If you do not feel the pain you will do nothing.
Right now they are in seventh heaven, the vulgar  allowances, payments they make in office while the rakyat suffer is unimaginable.
The PM, the Ministers, the MBs, the members of Parliament and the state assemblymen must know that becoming a lawmaker is not an avenue to get rich but rather to serve the people.
Tell us how he will re-organize and trim the salaries of the heads of GLC's and get rid of dead wood. How many of them he will get rid off and who they are if he wins.
Will he hire Independent Executive Search Agencies of repute to hire really good experienced and proven mangers to run and manage GLCs and rid all agencies of Political appointees.
Accordingly tell us how much all this will be under his watch and not make bodohs of the rakyat by giving them "1 day Public Holiday?"
Is that the best you could think of?
A former Deputy Prime Minister, a Prime Minister, instead of telling us how you can repair our economy you are thinking of a Holdiay you lazy bum.


Monday, November 7, 2022


By Toffee




Equals USD 21.08 which means 1 Ringgit is US$4.744 today.

And it is going to get so terrible if BN wins warns international monetary expert.

My friend from Singapore 15 years my junior, his late elder brother was a closer friend till he passed away, came over for the Diwali weekend,  I picked him up from the airport sent him to his hotel first after which we went for dinner.

I took him to a  place where we'd have some quiet and some really good food and drinks and moreover the ambience was good it was really comfortable the joint is really classic.

I'll  not divulge  the name of the Restaurant for two reasons, this blog does not do promotions and secondly some of the major shareholders are Malay and the place is not Halal, but the food is just superb, the drinks are fine and because I am of  Indian origin we got a free cocktail each compliments of bar  for Diwali, my friend turned to me remarked rather sarcastically, "Wow!!, in KL being Indian has its advantages I see,"  and laughed.

The Wagyu  Beef was superb, it was Wagyu from Kobe and it is rare here in Malaysia, I chose tenderloin medium and my friend a Buddhist  went for Ducks breast, not being connoisseurs of wine we opted to go with Scotch, I  prefer blends and he Single  Malts so we left the bottle aside and ordered by the shots.

I apologized  for not being sensitive by bringing him to a place that served beef when he chose Duck Breast, "oh for goodness sake Toffee shut up,"  he said, "why are you talking like as though I am like your  Melayu politicians, as long as I have something in the menu that I can eat, it is perfectly alright with me, and Duck Breast I love it, you don't get it just anywhere in K and even in Singapore,  you see with most of us Buddhist  as long as there is food which we can eat and has no religious constraints  eat it regardless of the place where it is served, you can eat what ever you want on the menu it does not disturb us, to each his own."

To cut a long story short when we finished dinner he said, "Toffee it's been a long time, 10 years and that's a long time, it was a great meet we must do this more often it was a beautiful night all that catching up, but please let me pay, and I am insisting he said, the bill was  Ringgit 2167.5 to be exact, then after paying with his card he said it is only about $600 to me."  

That statement of his hit me like a bolt for the blue, I wish he hadn't said that because it suddenly dawned on me, "My God" I thought what has become of our ringgit, I renumber  when we parted currencies  it was 0.9 RM  (Malaysian $ as it was then known),  to a Singapore Dollar we had the advantage but now what a mess, we have actually become poorer so much poorer, no wonder the costs of daily essentials have gone up so much higher. My two thousand over ringgit is  worth less then Singapore $600?

My friend works with an International financial Institution, and his work involves high level monitoring of regional and other notable international currencies and he tells me that the Malaysian Ringgit is very volatile and is being watched very closely "the market reckons should BN and especially UMNO win the elections the confidence in the Ringgit will plummet easily to RM5.30 in  a short time to the US dollar, it  will be worse if the Old Guard moves in" (meaning Najib and his crew I presumed  ) if that happens it has the potential to go down toRM6.30 and even lower  , the Thai Bhat may surpass you in the not so distant future.

He advised me to park my money elsewhere. he is active in international and regional fora, contributing to discussions on global financial stability and international financial regulatory reforms among others. "In ASEAN,  Myanmar and Malaysian currencies are areas of concern," he told me.

"You'll notice," he told me, " the day your Prime Minister announced he will be dissolving Parliament you stock market plunged, and your Ringgit took a nose dive, this is because the foreigners do not trust that leadership of yours in managing the economy, and that is a fact, and if you have been keeping in touch and know a bit of your recent history, the real history I mean, Anwar Ibrahim was held in high esteem by both the IMF and the World Bank during his tenure ass Finance Minister of Malaysia." 

The reason he gave me for Malaysia  losing its status as one of the Tigers of the Asian economies was because of our reactions to the 1997 monetary  crisis, your Mahathir Mohammed chose to blame George Soros for what he really engineered by way of Cronyism, Corruption and Nepotism, which was then Anwar's cry for cleaning up, before the crisis befell you after which Mahathir made a blunder which you are paid for then losing your status as a Tiger and are still paying for now. 

 "Although a lot of people think that  the pegging of the Ringgit at that time was right, especially Mahathir Mohammed it was not, Mahathir has no idea of financial management  the architect for that plan to peg  the Ringgit s fas Nor Mohamed Yakcop a close Mahathir confidante at Bank Negara at that time, but Mahathir took the credit for it and rightly so because you can now see the effects of that decision" he told me.

"The IMF at that time had predicted what was to happen to Malaysia and so too did many other Business Analysts, the writing was on the wall, you were redeeming the corrupted, you were redeeming  them and when you redeem the corrupted your level of corruption only escalates till it destroys you completely that is what is happening now, and believe me the IMF, the World Bank, all financial Institutions are watching, watching their predictions come true, and it is, it's happening in front of your own eyes, " he said.

"The pegging gave the UMNO Malays the attitude of invincibility that they could worm themselves of any financial crisis and that corruption pays, even today if you were to privately talk to an UMNO Division head or Branch head about corruption this is what they'll tell you, 'how else do we do Business and become rich, the Chinese have everything,' without realizing that the Chinese work hard for their money," he said.

"Singapore, Korea, Taiwan bit the bullet they survived and are much better off then you and while you sink Thailand, Indonesia and Vietnam are on your tail and soon your children will be looking for jobs there, fortunes will be reversed, it is already beginning, go find out how many Malaysians are working in Indonesia, Cambodia, Thailand, China and India, your government may not want to give you the numbers but many already are, my friend," he said shaking his head.

I immediately remembered asking a Director of National Productivity Centre once if we have bench marked our productivity  against that of Singapore, Thailand and Indonesia  and if we did where did we stand this was in the late 90's we saw it coming, he just brush off the question, I wonder if we are doing it even now..

The 1997 financial crisis was only a warning, your government should have used it to realign as the other tigers did,  but in an economy where you rob Peter to pay Paul you can expect only blind loyalty from Paul and that is exactly what is happening in this country,  you can see it happening, but the Pauls led by greed for  a fistful of Ringgit  are blinded of the danger they pose not only to you, but to themselves and their Children as well, they can't see beyond that fist full of Ringgit. The pegging was the alternative to enable the UMNO to buy support  at that time, to give out fist full of ringgit to supporters,  I wonder if Mahathir even realised the deep pit he was throwing the country into.

"Well"  my friend said,  he was safe, all his money is in Singapore  and he has invested in landed properties here in Malaysia. 

"Make no mistake I love this country, I love the Malays they are the best people you can ever meet and have as friends but the UMNO brand of politics have spoiled them and they need a strong Malay to awaken them up from this state of  hypnotic  trance they are in - a hypnotic trance that used race and politicised religion to actually put them in a state where anything they say goes. How else do you explain things like "Bossku" he asked, he's right.

As we were talking and walking to the cart park, he told me the last time PH won the market was taken aback, no one expected the Barisan to be toppled, no one was prepared for that eventuality and as a result the ringgit took  a slight dip but later with good monetary policies the market was beginning to  pick up till that government was toppled.

"It's not gong  be the same  for you,"  he said, "unless you Malaysians really make a radical change, a change that can be seen as radical with serious people at the helm, a total shift in mentality,    meritocracy must not be bad word anymore in this your beautiful country which I was forced to  abandon as my children and their future came first , you need to lift your economy, or you people are in real trouble, very big trouble , because market sentiment has total disregard for corrupt countries and especially corrupt leaderships."

He told me more but it did not register, I was too worried and a lot of scenarios were just crossing my mind, my eldest grandchild will be preparing for tertiary education next year, what will it cost I was thinking, what about the  four other grandchildren so a lot of what he told me went up in thin air, I was more preoccupied by the horror of the moment, I followed him back to his hotel, he had to leave the next morning his parents live in Perak, if only he was still around I'd have asked him more because he should know, his position in the industry makes him authoritative.

 I will go to Singapore later this year if  time permits to get the details .

Well we aren't given the real picture here, we are taken for a joy ride by the PN government and its UMNO finance minister, when our Ringgit dives the excuse is, "well there is no reason for it to, the fundamentals are strong," that is what the Finance Minister says what fundamentals is he talking about.

What fundamentals but for our currency that depends on so much direct foreign investment if there is no confidence where do we go next, do we turn out to be like the Philippines and Bangladesh where our children must go overseas and earn and send money back will that be our greatest source of foreign exchange?

China has put a stop with us,  they may give us piece meal in future, their investments here are in trouble  an once trust is lost, trust the Chinese never ever to trust you again,  we know their involvement with the  Najib Government, it was not China particularly, but rather Chinese Companies and that was the blunder, so China will not want that kind of involvement anymore, Xi Jin Peng is reexamining his policies, he is keeping a close watch of his Companies and the Company he keeps.

Hishamuddin said the Chinese foreign Minster was his elder brother, but that "elder brother" did nothing to give him Jho Low who Hishamuddin promised to bring back, that is the level of respect the Chinese Government has for the likes of the UMNO people. They got their reputation soiled because of UMNO, they will not be prepared for more.

The general Chinese population do not see it viable to invest in Malaysia, for many of them the City in the Jungle was a con game, when the ground rules for the "Malaysia My Second Home  (MMSH) were abruptly changed drastically it made no sense of their investments. Chinese were investing into the MMSH because of the MMSH policy, it just got swept away.

We have lost the confidence of real big time investors not only from the west but the East as well and China too an it is the loss of confidence that will be the biggest deterrent in the inflow of foreign direct investment.

 PN is BN in a different Cloak

The future looks scary if not bleak and the only way to salvage it is to change the Government, finish UMNO and the BN for good, PN is BN in a different cloak,  they are corrupted to the chore they  can't be salvaged, go for a government that will give us the truth about the situation no matter what, so we can jointly rebuild our nation.






Thursday, October 20, 2022



20th October 2022


Not only is Hadi an alleged  terrorist he is a bloody Communist too.

Tuesday, October 18, 2022


 by Toffee

18th October 2022

 The Edge reports :

"Motion supporting Ismail Sabri as PM candidate dominates Umno division meetings."

IT IS FAKE NEWS!!!!!!!! 




His face will be on  BN posters  in all constituencies to deceive you.


The recent UMNO Division Heads meetings held by UMNO made one  thing absolutely clear to Ismail Sabri that he was just a "puppet on a string" and nothing more.

The gatherings was a show of force  of the Division heads of UMNO  orchestrated by Zahid and Najib (although) jailed that they were still very much in control of the grassroots and to force a rather reluctant Ismail Sabri to dissolve Parlaiment.

At the most recent of these gatherings the Division Heads heckled Ismail Sabri  shouting at him and and demeaning him for delaying the dissolution of Parliament, never has a sitting Prime Minister of Malaysia from UMNO made to feel so ridiculed by members of his own party.

Now they conduct a play to make everyone belief that Ismail Sabri will be their choice for the next PM, as they know bringing in Zahid will spell disaster  this is a case of pulling wool over the eyes of the voters _Sabri is a poster boy.

Judging from the gatherings and what happened there, it is only obvious that if Ismail Sabri is ever allowed to be Prime Minister he will be  Najib's and Zahid's puppet on a string.

Of course the other person watching what is going on and playing his cards  carefully is Mat Hasssan the Deputy President of UMNO.

He wants to make sure he is safely elected because he knows he stands a good chance of making Prime Minister, knowing that by virtue of being Deputy President he can claim the right if the members do not allow Zahid.

The moment Zahid makes his move it has  been rumored that there will be an official call to the King by political parties  by the current Government cluster (the opposition wit5hin UMNO) supported by Mat Hassan and other parties to conduct a detailed investigation on Zahid Hamidi's Citizenship status, as it is believed that he was born in Indonesian and is only eligible for citizenship by naturalisation thus disqualifying him from becoming a Prime Minister.

Constitutionally only those who are citizens by Operation of Law can be appointed Prime Minister of of this country, logically that should also be the case for Deputy Prime Ministers as they will act for the PM in his absence.

The reasons for the rush of dissolution of Parliament by the Najib/Zahid group is clear, they want Najib pardoned and the 1MDB case closed, or to have the judges replaced and the prosecutor (Gopal Sri Ram) replaced.

This dissolution of Parliament was forced upon Ismail Sabri under the pain of dismissal from UMNO. Ismail caved in because he still feels that his best chances of becoming an MP and retaining at least a ministerial position is for him via UMNO, if he doesn't he could be sacked from UMNO, he was not willing to take the chances.

Usually the "Poster Boy" is the PM candidate, but this time around the Poster boy is to be Ismail Sabri.

Key members of the government cluster are set up for failure, the main target has been Khairy Jamaluddin, he may no even have a seat allocation by UMNO,  at one time Nazri was in the books for elimination and that is the reason he indicated retirement in Europe, there seems to be a change of heart and Nazri may just reappear. 

Younger candidates who can be manipulated  by the court cluster will make an appearance at this elections.

There is no way Ismail Sabri will be the next PM even if UMNO has the majority he is only their poster boy.

Monday, October 17, 2022


     by Toffee

17th October 2023 



Who will it be? 

Zahid of UMNO, 

Hadi of PAS,  OR 

Muhyiddin of Bersatu. 

Ismail Sabri is only to be the "POSTER  BOY."

The Battles lines are being drawn, unlike the previous elections there are two distinct battle lines being drawn first one is the war between the Muafakat Nasional  partners, yes, the three partners here are, PAS, UMNO and Bersatu, they  fight against against each other with strange rules..

The more important part of the battle is they jointly fight PKR in particular more then just PH that is the second to them – the objective: Anwar must not be Prime Minsiter.

How they do it is important to watch, they are setting rules among themselves, PAS in particular is playing a double game to make sure they can shit sides for blaming tthe other depending who has more seats.   

The third and surprisingly not so important is the DAP, to them it does not make a difference because the other races do not matter because Muafakat Nasional is all about total Malay dominance it began as an alliance between PAS and UMNO later on 15 August 20 Muhyiddin took Bersatu into the group/

It is understood that they will compete each other in most seats but in seats where PKR or Amanah, fields a candidate they are to only allow one party the choice to compete  that seat for fear that if more then one of them are there it will split the Malay vote and give the PH party the advantage.

Bersatu and PAS claim to be fighting UMNO and PH, but both have admitted that under no circumstances are they prepared to give PH the advantage. In

 Malaysiakini | Muafakat Nasional

   It began with PAS and UMNO subsequently Bersatu joined in. Claim debunked.


In doing this PAS has already sounded the alarm, “no contest with UMNO in Constituencies where PKR is contesting” the alarm sounded to Bersatu, even though PAS is supposed to be not teaming up with UMNO.

How this PAS designed strategy will workout is yet to be seen, as UMNO will contest almost all constituencies, they can’t sacrifice any to the remaining Malay parties as this could mean they may secure lesser seats in the forthcoming  elections than in the last and that will leave Bersatu without many seats to contest unless UMNO allows Bersatu to contest the seats which are currently theirs, but there is the Najib freedom factor which Bersatu is not willing to negotiate on.

Bersatu on the other hand wants more seats too, they want control of Parliament and do now want UMNO to have it, the UMNO strategy on the other hand is to have Bersatu dissolved after the next GE and that’s the one thing Bersatu will not have.

There are PAS seats that were traditionally UMNO seats and UMNO will want it back to wrest power especially in Selangor, Perak and Kedah.

Moreover Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah is vying a come back in Kelantan so he will launch an UMNO come back in the state this time at the expense of PAS and that is one of the reasons PAS aligns itself closer to Bersatu as Dato Sri Mustapa Bin Mohammed of Economy a former UMNO strong man and a close Najib confidante crossed over and joined Bersatu, they hoep to use him to counter Razaleigh Hamzah. Only Terengganu and parts of Perlis look like PAS comfort zones for PAS,.

My source - an UMNO division head from Johor told me “the only factor  that will get them to agree is their determination that Anwar does not become the next Prime Minister.” 


 Anwar Ibrahim [Eric Chow/Al Jazeera]

                         My obvious choice for PMFeared in the Maufakat Nasional as a one man MACC                  

Such a move would give such  government a free rein to more and more Corruption unquestionable corruption and make every dirty politician dirtier still, this was not acceptable to Anwar, however in the case of Mahathir he readily accepted it because he knows the stories to tell the Malays to get them believe him and also to free him from the allegations of Corruption, Nepotism and Cronyism brought against him by Anwar Ibrahim which he fears will resurface and that is the prime reason he betrayed PH for that is Mahathir. 

There are many who are against Anwar becoming Prime Minister even in the PH Circles, but if it is not supposed to be Anwar there will be rupture in Pakatan Harapan and that will create a chaos that which in turn will render PH ineffective and we can’t afford that. 

Anwar has to do certain things if and when he becomes Prime Minister to calm  the Malays who are accustomed to be “threatened” by the horror stories of  UMNO, PAS and Bersatu, we have to allow him the leeway as long as these moves are not questioned by the other PH partners, that twill mean they know it is important.

In the past anything that happened was blamed on DAP,DAP was blamed for everything that BN did that was not right. Well even if there was a flood it was Dap’s fault, now we see the focus shifting on Anwar Ibrahim because they see him as a real threat a very real threat as more and more Malays are seeing through the crooks  in UMNO, PAS and Berstu.

We would have been in a position to judge Anwar Ibrahim had Mahathir kept to his word and allowed Anwar become the PM after the initial six month period he promised to hold it in lieu as Anwar was jailed, but when he refused to give way the component parties of PH confronted Mahathir and demanded he give way after seeing he was not willing to do it, this is when he used his insurance  to make sure Anwar never became Prime Minister.

He used Azmn (his Insurance)  to plot the downfall of Pakatan Harapan, in his typical Mahathir Style, Azmin had a dagger hanging over his head at the time, there were some interesting photographs but the Police whose chief was appointed by Mahathir interestingly could not identify and Azmin.

Azmin was looking for a way out too and although the other person in the photograph readily admitted the picture was of him and Azmin, Mahathir who used such issues to sack Anwar kept Azmin close to his heart.  

That is one of the elements of Mahathirism, and his followers are found all over Malay politics today.

Anwar is most certainly not a Mahathir follower, he has if he becomes Prime Minster to unravel all the evil that Mahathir has planted in the mind of simple unsuspecting Malays, more and more of whom are beginning to realise how evil this man was and we have to give Anwar the opportunity and the time to do it and hope  for the best, we have no choice unless of course you want either; Zahid, Hadi Awang or Muhyiddin become our next Prime Minister.


Don't be fooled by UMNO politics.


                                                Ismail Sabry looking serious or totally unhappy         


As of time of publishing there are two ways this elections will go as far as UMNO is concerned. 

Ismail Sabri will be made the BN and UMNO “Poster Boy” and that is all he will be, the real candidate for Prime Minister will be Ahmad Zahid HAMIDI, this is because if they were to announce Zahid'S  candidacy for PM UMNO themselves expect a huge voter fallout from their supporters .

The problem is so huge and is really threatening UMNO that Khairy yesterday made a public announcement that he was surrendering his Rembau seat to Tok Mat the UMNO deputy who himself is riddled with suspicion for corrupt practices and sources in Rembau say this may well hand the seat over to PKR who are expected to field a strong new candidate in that area.

So if you think you are voting for Ismail Sabri think again he was just a stop gap Prime Minister one not nominated by UMNO but rather by Muhyiddin, moreover Khairy may not a get a seat at all in the coming GE ads he is seen as anti Najib and Zahid whom he directly blamed for UMNO's loss in the last elections.