Are we facing subtle state sponsored terrorism in Malaysia?????? or
Has the country been allowed to stray into deliberate ethnocentrism (Jamal Yunos &Co., Ibrahim Ali among the many more)and now into religio-centrism all very evidently supported by the Najib government, putting people of the other ethnic races, Chinese, Indians and other non Muslims in fear, real fear, not imagined not unreal but real.(Jamal Yunos is a current UMNO Division head)
A good example is the Low Yat incident, followed by many of Jamal Yunos' threats and and antics for which the police superficial or no action at all.
Even some high ranking ministers have acted as thugs in other cases and have got away with it, men taken into Police Custody, yes "Police Custody" die whilst in Police Custody, now who should be responsible for that?
The custodian of course.
A custodian has the responsibility to, "look after, to protect, to be guardian of" the person in his custody.
When a person is therefore under police custodian the Inspector General of Police has the responsibility of for the person in custody.
Is the government fo Najib Razak subtly and at a gradually increasing pace promoting ethnocentrism and now even religio-centrism?
The happenings in the country present, recent and past at least seem to point in that direction and we have all witnessed it with this government remaining openly indifferent to the attacks by its own people (from personalities or organisations either at the political level or by authorities) on the various other communities and religions, in the confines in what is apparently in their comfort zones from where almost anything can happen.

We have witnessed the likes of Jamal Yunos who goes about with almost total immunity except for the occasional slap on the wrist just to show the whole world that they are taking notice when it is really hogwash.
Malaysians are no fools, for the couple of times he was detained for a day or two the talk in the street was that Jamal Yunos was having coffee with the Police Inspector General (PIG)
Who can blame that public opinion when Jamal Yunos is allowed to go on threatening people and was even responsible for the assault of Bersih supporters.
In fact it is common knowledge that Jamal has been financed by this government and UMNO for some of his daring ethnocentric activities.
The time has come to question this, as this is the time the world has taken even the most powerful man in the world on the issue of such ethno-centrist views and judging from what is happening both here in Malaysia and other Islamic countries against religious minorities we have to stand up and be noticed or draw world attention.
Most Malaysians who are victims of this ethono-centrism and religio-centrism know that this has become the centre piece of both the UMNO and PAS strategy.
In Malaysia a Korean the son, grandson and brother of a murderous regime who was assassinated by that same regime in our country grabbed the headlines up to even this day in our national press only because he was murdered here and supposedly only because it is so easy to do that in Malaysia, given its history of other murders like that of Altantuya Shaaribu.
The North Korean Spy agencies would have seen Malaysia as the easiest place in in the world where Police seem more concerned with anyone abusing the PM or his beloved wife then the security f its people at large.
These headlines in what is after all a government controlled media seems to highlight the Killing of Kim Jong-Nam, when at home we have a more serious life and death issue of a Malaysian - A Christian Pastor, who was kidnapped in broad daylight, where, “one of the men was seen recording the incident while another diverted traffic".
All of the kidnappers were reportedly wearing black ski masks” and that reminds me of the way Anwar Ibrahim was arrested, leaving Malaysian with a lot of doubts and the rumor mills spinning at the fastest speed in a long time.
Who is more important or which case should be of greater importance the kidnapping of a Malaysian Pastor whose fate is yet to be known or a dead man who was a member of a rogue regime?
Let me put this openly, it has been alleged in the past that Pastor Koh was proselytising and among his flock were Muslims. these allegations had no substance and could not be sustantiated.
Was this not the reason the pastor was detained and was that not the reason on totally unfounded and baseless grounds the Selangor Islamic Religious Department (Jais) conducted a raid on a thanksgiving and fund-raising dinner organised by the group at a church in Petaling Jaya in 2011.
"By all accounts, Koh was a humanitarian who was committed to helping the less fortunate and the marginalised in Malaysian society"
His activities were carried out close proximity to Malay neighborhoods who did not object to his activities, in fact I am told he even helped Malays, yes Muslim Malays, is that wrong?
Following the JAIS raid the Pastor was sent a bullet in the mail and there must have been a link so it will be wise for the police to begin their investigations at JAIS and not to exclude them, it was JAIS that brought the Pastor into the limelight with baseless claims that has led to radicals and maybe event terrorists to have kidnapped Pastor Raymond Koh.
A video that has gone viral and claimed to be taken from a CCTV shows 3 similar vehicles trailing and then blocking what apparently is the pastors car, there seemed to be at least two motorbikes and least two other cars in that convoy.
Why has there been a lack of focus on the Pastor's case, is it because he is not worth the publicity for our Police Chief and Najib who are now yearning for world attention? Or
Is it if the truth comes out there will be a lot of world attention for other reasons focused on Malaysia?
Is Najib trying to curry favour the US government who has identified him as MO1, in the MDB case or
about things he has been denying as the North Korean leader who is suspect No 1 in this case is enemy NO1 of the American Government?
Is it because this great Christian Pastor's Christian mission responding to God as he is commanded to does not go too well with the likes of Najib's government?
Anywhere else in the world such an incident would have had the attention of the Prime Minister or the President, and Najib's silence on the issue is deafening.
Not only the Christians, butt the people of other faiths and races have an interest sin this case and the PM has a duty to tell them something in relation to this case. Very sadly he has decided to remain silent, and instead the Government controlled mass media has relentlessly been following the case of a murdered ex-member of a rogue political regime and keeping the pastors case - wee, under a lid.
Why has his murder take centre stage whilst the authorities are so silent about kidnap of Pastor Koh? Who is Kin Jong Nam after all? And is Kim Jong-nam's case being used to hide the case of Pastor Raymond Koh?
Pastor Koh is a man of God , he worked tirelessly with the poor the marginalised and even the drug addicts, HIV patients and he is a a responsible and model Malaysian citizen, he is a man of God who deserves more protection of the Malaysian Police than Kim Jong-nam.
Pastor Raymond Koh Keng Joo is a Malaysian citizen who was victim of an illegal raid before, and threatened by an anonymous bullet and both incidents seems not to have been taken seriously by the Police.
If Pastor Koh did anything against the law it was not for the Islamic Law enforcers as in the previous case where JAIS to raided his centre to take the law inot their own hands. JAIS has no jurisdiction against the Christians, and yet it was they accomapanied that police who conducted the raid, if there were grounds fo the raid it should have been handled by the Police alone as JAIS is only for Muslims.
JAIS has jurisdiction only over Muslims, and it has absolutely no jurisdiction over non Muslims, if they feel a non Muslim has broken the law it is for the Police to investigate him and arrest him, not JAIS.
JAIS who actually began this hate campaign against the Pastor by raiding his centre must be held accountable, it is this ethnoo-religious stirring up of hate that in my mind has led to this veryunfortunate incident which is not only criminal but terrorizes.
Why is it I get the feeling of a similar involvement in this case???
Kim Jong-nam
This man would have been the leader of North Korea and the Public enemy No.1 of the American government had he not been dropped, he even held very senior position in the ministry of Public security. Later he was appointed the head of the DPRK computer committee in charge of developing the the country's IT industry.He was a member of a rogue regime that has murdered many of its citizens an by association is guilty of those crimes.
Though he was a frequent advocate of reform, and a habitual gambler who loved life in Macau where he would later settle and that is what made him fall out of grace with his father and he was replaced as heir apparent by his half brother Kim Jong-Nam.
This insignificant North Korean now dead has taken prominence over a Malaysian citizen, a religious leader, case where the Prime Minister has shown more interest in the dead member of a rogue regime and chooses to remain silent over the mysterious kidnapping of one of the nations good citizens.
What has he Kim Jong-nam done for Malaysia?
Who is he compared to Raymond Koh?