Sunday, November 15, 2020







"The Government will not be able to carry out its commitments including paying salaries of civil servants and assistance for front liners in the war against Covid19 if the 2021 Budget is not approved by the Dewan Rakyat.".......Borneo Post

Anwar says Zafrul deflecting concerns of the majority  on Budget 2020 issues


 If this statement has come from the Finance Minister let me say one thing most certainly that this finance Minister is the most stupid, ill informed and incompetent of finance ministers this country has ever had with the exception maybe  of Najib.

He and Najib would actually score a tie for their competence.

This government has presented a budget that actually farms out monies to the Malays with  hope of buying their votes in the next General Elections and that is what is going to make it run out of cash.


This fellow Zafrul Aziz has proven to be extremely clueless and is now in panic even resorting to outright  Blackmail to get this budget passed and takes no heed to Anwar's statement that emoluments for civil servants and expenditures for frontliners including medical and health equipment will not be affected by accepting proposals to improve budget.



In an attempt to remain in power this seems to be the Government led by Muhyiddin's strategy - buy the Malay vote. 

A budget is presented to Parliament to be debated and to to be fine tuned or changed altogether to make it effective and beneficial to the country, not to make the Company  bankrupt by willful and wanton waste  of dishing money out to a specific racial group in the hope of winning their support, that is what this budget being presented by this incompetent idiots  is all about.

"Opposition bent backwards but Zafrul resorting to threats"

They know it and every other party that sits in Parliament is aware of this, but many decide to remain silent because they are afraid that the Malays will see them as anti Malay.

This is the time for all Parties and not Anwar alone to come out and say what it really is it must echo like a chorus and all the Malays in the nation must know its implications not only to the country but even more more so to the Malay who has been the subject of the gravy train for so long, this will dry the gravy train and Muhyiddin will then print more money.

Who the hell is Zafrul Aziz, Muhyiddin had no business to bring him in as a finance minister leave alone a member of Parliament, members of Parliament are chosen by the people and not the prime Minister, he appoints from those we have chosen.

                                 The Islamic Budget prepared

Besides presenting a budget that benefits only the Malays he has also presented an Islamic Budget most probably at the prompting of PAS, let us be clear Malaysia is not an Islamic country it never was and it never will be, because our Constitution guarantees that. So why the huge allocation to a Ministry Muhyiddin set up for Islamic affairs to proselytise?


The country is being driven by a clueless pilot into disaster and the sooner we get rid of this government the better.

Hiding behind the mask to buy time

This budget really cannot be passed by Malays who really care for their nation, I think it is abundantly clear that we are rapidly losing ground in the world and among our closest neighbors and within the next 5 years we'll see ourselves on par with the Thai Bhat at the rate we are going.

It's a matter of time when we'll probably have to carry bags to store our money in and we may reintroduce the RM1000 bills, the 5000 bills and then even introduce a RM 50,000 bill to keep up with the Indonesians.

Do we really want that, are we to send our girls to work in other countries as maids? Are w going to be one of the most mismanaged countries int he world, yes that certainly seems to be the road we are on and unless the Malays wake up and stare reality in the face that is where we are headed.

The 95 year old vulture still looking for prey.

There is a 95 year old vulture who has not had enough still hanging on the corridors fo power as greedy as ever, and more power crazy then he ever was, prompting the country into disaster even further by trying again to nominate failures to the position of Prime Minister int he hope that his son will benefit from those appointments, but why?


Hovewring like a vulture -Old Turkey Buzzard

The only rationale argument would be is that all those stories about his massive accumulation of wealth through nepotism and cronyism that he has can over a period of time with his son on power be legitimised by what he knows to be true, "Melayu Cepat Lupa"  translated  "The Malays soon forget."

Now doesn't that explain another reason why Mahathir Mohammed is such a racist, why he is so concerned about his "Melayu" status, to the extent that he recently said, "there are only a few "spoon fulls of Indian Blood in me", to which, my Malay friend Aqilah retorted,  "ya but the rest is not Malay it must be Monkey for all you know, he should not  be insulting us by claiming to be a Malay."

Now this individual Mahathir Mohammed whatever he is says that Anwar is not capable of leading the country through troubled times, and on hind thought I think had he allowed Anwar not to bail out his sons and cronies in the 97 crisis we may have still been abreast  wtih the likes of Korea and Taiwan the remaining Tigers. Today under his guidance all the time we have become mice. All PM's after him were his choice, Abdullah Badawi, Najib Razak and even Muhyiddin so who is this man who has proven himself to be idiotic in succession planning and election to talk.

I have said over and over again that the government should not allow employees to dig into their retirement funds, the EPF in its current form is insufficient to for retirees to live on.

Life expectancy has increased, costs are spiraling, we are have one of the highest population growths in the world (thanks to Mahathir Mohammed and his 75 million policy) and while other nations are trying to control population growth here in Malaysia it has gone through the ceiling and the government seems to be completely blind to this fact.

Now the finance Minster has become Santa Claus and PAS is supporting Santa Claus, he is even trying to get EPF to dig in deeper and disperse money to the members. 

The mentality of these government officials is actually rampant.

I remember at one Management Seminar we had Tan Sri Gananalingam delivered a short Industrial Relations paper.

He talked about his employees and the loan problem, they'd take loans from loan sharks and get into trouble repaying it, so what he did was to create a revolving fund in the West Port. First he made sure he got all employees who borrowed from loan sharks pay off those debts, then they were eligible to take an interest free loan from the revolving fund I think it was RM7000 which they'd have to pay up over a period of time. Once it was paid up they could apply for the next loan.

I had thew same problem when I was the General Manager of non ferrous metal products manufacturing organisation, employees would come very often for loans and this was not only confined to the ordinary factory workers, it included Supervisors and Superintendents. there was always this attempt to try and secure a loan from the Company even though the Company had a very specific "NO Loan" policy. Sometimes it was given and sometimes it was not.

I then found out that Bank Rakyat gave loans to Malays employees at a very special rate as long as we could accommodate the deduction off such loans, we gave that assurance as long as the sum deduction was within statutory limits and the employment Act does spell out the quantum of monies an employer can deduct and Bingo the problem was solved.

The Bank required the person applying the loan to furnish a guarantor and that was easily found one employee would stand guarantee for another provided the same employee did the same for him but the Company had no responsibility to ensure the loan was fully settled, this was Bank Rakyat and I am of the opinion it was set up for the purpose, prior to that it was KUBB that offered the same thing with a special rate for Bumiputras.

Now with that mentality successfully created in the mindset of many Malays it has become habitual with many and that has made them dependent on hand outs and loans, the huge amount of defaulted loans for purchase of cars, study loans, and the dependence on the government for more has been created by successive governments  and have made the Malays dependent.

Many are in a comfortable position to repay their study loans but choose not to because they know they have the government by the throat, many really can't afford to repay, and that is because these successful governments have found it suitable to grant scholarships to even the rich and famous among the Malays.

That Bumiputra funds were squandered mainly by Bumiputra aristocrats is no big secret, it is in the open now and even then,  now with  divided Malay groupings  they are prepared to craft a Budget that will give PPBM the votes it requires for Muhyiddin to remain in power less UMNO or PAS take it away from him,  even if it means tweaking the budget that way regardless of the consequences.

Sit down and think again which Government policy really benefited the Malay, preferential treatment was given to the Malay from Independence and even then to this day the all successive governments say,  the  Malay has not progressed to the level of the other races.

Why because of the other races?

Who has been in power since independence the Chinese? 

Certainly not the Indians, no not DAP their members and MPs have visited the Pudu jail, then who if not Malay led governments in succession.

The Malays need to give this serious thought and not be hoodwinked with the kind of political rhetoric your politicians are so famous for, and do not allow them to politicize your religion either, you control everything in the country so how can minorities be a threat to your religion?

Take a look around you, Malays  buy houses which the non Malay subsidise by paying 7% more, they have Malay reserve land and if they could have sold it to the non Malay it would all have been sold by now to the non Malay and I'll probably be living in a bunglow  with ample land, but that is because the government has not allowed the Malay nor taught him to think rationally, they never allowed that, if they did they'd have developed their lands and become Millionaires today, no the politicians wanted that land the money and the power so the Malay was made dependent on him.

I bet if the Malays really in Kampung Baru hired a group pf professionals and decide to develop the area by themselves as a commercial enclave free of government interference and allow them to sell it in the open market they'd get a more meaningful deal that will really enrich  them, and that such a development must be allowed without any hindrance because we know how government machinery can be used to stifle a project.

A careful look at the NEP will reveal that it was sidetracked not for Malay progress but to retard the Malay, that change in policy came about with Mahatherism, ignorant people will  not know when they are being taken for a ride and so he made sure that is what the NEP did, so is it really s shocking to know that regardless of what Najib did there are Malays who still support him?

And it is not shocking to know why so many Malay based parties who can see through this evil budget and the subsequent disaster it will bring dare not object to it openly only because they are afraid of being branded anti Malay, only PKR and Anwar dares question it.

So Mahathir Mohammed your days are numbered go peacefully and quietly because this nation may never mourn your loss.








  1. Your report was well written and judiously presented with evidence that no one who is rational and just would deny.Malays were not originally in this state of mind, [until after Tun Hussein's tenure] were not like this racist tendency, let alone the religious bigotry. Only when this wicked old man took the reign he transformed the mentality of the Malays that led to their racial and religious bigotry to the extent that NON MALAYS seemed till today nonexistent in their behaviour of not including them for any governmental help. If they did it is only to the MCA and MIC LEADERSHIP only to be swallowed in total -the whole allocation to themselves.Corruption by Mahathir was ignored as can be seen in he mentioning CORRUPTION in several UMNO GENERAL Assemblies. He was the mentor who created this evil and the followers emualated and improved on it to such an extent to even overtake his mentorship.Thank you Sir, for sharing this beautiful state of the nation.

  2. This is why democracy sucks sometimes. It is no different in the USA where Trump panders to white supremacist. It is no different in India, where Modi panders to Hindu nationalists. As a Malay who is trusted by a Chinese to rebuild his businesses, I am ashame. But as long as Malaysia's politics remain like, we will never be the developed nation that we want to be. Why China will rule the world soon? There is no democracy, no is only one race. Human is incapable of living in a multi cultural, multi religious environment
