By Toffee
20th November 2022
Zahid backs PH as more UMNO MP's call for his resignation, with BN Anwar has 111 seats.
"At any cost Anwar must never be Prime Minister", that is the battle cry of all the parties that have been aligned to Barisan Nasional and that included Perikatan Nasional.
With Barisan Nasional and Pdependin N later there was a guaranteed gravy train for each MP on their side of the fence depending on rank, and the monies ran into the hundreds of millions, that was the only reason these MPs were and are in in politics regardless of which side of the divide they sit on today.
The gravy train included allocations for the people which were pocketed even in Covid times instead of going to the poor help the poor who were without income if you still remember, much of these monies have not been accounted for to this day, then there are high ranking positions for MPs who did not make ministerial positions as heads of GLCs paying them salaries in the millions, additional ministers, and deputy ministers and more, not including multi billion dollar and multi million dollar contracts given to RM2/ companies, owned by the leadership or their cronies. This was the cronyism Anwar was speaking in the days he was UMNO Deputy President and finance Minister.

Notice the Slogan in this picture - that's what terrifies those against him becoming Premier
Since 1997 after the then powerful Anwar Ibrahim after moving aside Ghafar Baba - the then quiet servant to Mahathir Mohammed began his quest for the elimination of Corruption, Nepotism and Cronyism and was preparing himself to take on Mahathir. It was so obvious Anwar was out to unseat Mahathir that he Mahathir, brought up trumped up charges and jailed Anwar. The call of Corruption, Nepotism, and Cronyism was seen as directed directly to Mahathir, Anwar was making ti clear he was taking on Mahathir Mohammed.
Talk at that time among Mahathir supporters was, when Anwar is released from jail he will be a nobody and so it seemed, but with his release from jail he showed that he could first destroy the two thirds majority held by the BN, together with the DAP Penang, Selangor and Perak fell to the coalition and BN especially UMNO was bewildered, it was beyond expectations, on that fateful night when my friend Ajit Singh called me, I was at a dinner it wazs only 7.30 at night and Ajit was so excited, he told me, "BN has fallen in Penang, clean sweep, Penang has fallen and Gerakan and MCA have disappeared from the island."
I did not believe it, it was only 7.30 in the evening, how could the results be out, my dinner was in Melaka I was at table with old friends, they laughed and one of them said, "what nonsense, you sure your friend in Penang is not drunk," that was the level of disbelief.
Mahathir Mohammed held Badawi responsible for the loss of the two thirds majority and forced him out and installed Najib, who even at that time was already tainted with the Altantuya scandal, into power.
To Mahathir at the time Altantuya scandal did not matter he even made excuses for Najib, he wanted Badawi out becausehe did not get his crooked bridge and moreover Badawi sanctioned the RCI on the Lingam case which even exposed Mahathir and he came up with his famous "I can't remember" excuses in court.
Najib came in and things got worse, Mahathir's relations with Najib were at an all time low, Najib blames on the crooked bridge and after the 2013 elections it was certain that Anwar would be able to unseat Najib.
Sensing this Najib got him jailed with the same charges Mahathir had got him for earlier, but even then Anwar looked strong and was almost certain to come back, all the while since losing the two thirds majority the fear of Anwar worked Mahathir up so much he was at the point of goign mad.
"If you can't beat him, join him, use his power base then unseat him" was what Mahaathir was working on the day he decided to team up with Pakatan Harapan.
PH would not have him, but for the assurances that he would come in, be an interim PM and hand over the position to Anwar the day Anwar is released.
Mahathir joined PH, knowing that if he won he would be able to cast Anwar aside again and he did that with the Sheraton move, Anwar trusted this dirty old man who had nothing but hate for Anwar.
To Mahathir the name Anwar is terrifying, to the rest of the UMNO members it is too and to many Anwar defeats the purpose they are in politics and that is - make money so Anwar has to be put off at all costs and all those who ensure this are part of that gravy train, of kickbacks, contracts with hiked up costs, or just ordinary cash.
Now in the present 2022, that Anwar has taken the Lions share of the seats in Parliament, h the forces that be in Politik Melayu will not have it and so the the wheels of the Muafakat Nasional begins to roll.
The jigsaw falls in place Muafakat Nasional the game plan hatched even before the elections were called is now being put in place.
The BN, PN and PAS has had a tacit agreement that should none of them have a clear majority to form a government and should Pakatan Harapan get the most seats they would then opt to put the wheels in motion for the Muafakat Nasional Jig.

Muafakat Nasional it may materialise without Zahid
The Agreement as it stands has the party with the most seats holding the Prime Minister's position.
The question now to ask is will PAS claim the position of Prime Minister?
If not on what kind of understanding will the position be given to a PN MP or a Barisan MP.
For some reason or other, Zahid was not actually in Muafakat Nasional jig as we discover later, he got all BN Mps to sign an undertaking in the form of a pledge that he will decide who UMNO teams up with should BN not get an absolute majority.
Much earlier even before Muhyiddn became PM, Anwar and Zahid were in talks and Zahid was willing to cede the PM's position to Anwar, this was later denied by both, looks like the plan was still intact just in case either party did not get the absolute party.
Now that that plan has been has come into the open with Zahid backing PH, calls for Zahid to step down as UMNO head is getting louder, especially as it is now being said he is in favour of a coalition with PH.
My UMNO sources say it is something both he and Anwar agreed upon before the elections took place and it was conditional if PH needed the numbers.
PN is looking like it has the upper hand or so they claim, if they do form the government, the pressures of introducing more Syariah controls will now increase, dress codes to go to Government departments, restriction of Pubs operating, and what about the gambling licenses for the four D outlets, Toto and even the likes of Genting Highlands?
Only a PH/BN coalition can stop this now.
Consider this;
How will the control of PAS on the Federal Government reflect on Foreign Direct Investment?
How will it reflect on the Ringgit?
How will it reflect on the stock Market?
How will all these reflect on the business climate in Malaysia?
Will the government of the day be able to manage the economy of the country?
Any further dip in the Malaysian Ringgit will put the pressure on the price of goods especially the essentials, there will be pressure on wages and that will affect productivity.
It is already been forecasted that should BN or PN win and form the government the economy will suffer as there is a lack of confidence from foreign investors and that looks like a reality now. See my earlier article
A Government headed by Anwar will be the best bet, Anwar has the credentials, both Nationally and internationally recognised by business circles and Governments alike. On the hand BN and PN have proven that they can't manage the country economically and the governments corrupt to the core.
Zafrul was a failure to say the least and both Ismail Sabri and Muhyiddin ruined the economy of the country by raiding the provident funds to pay workers from their own monies.
It really looks dangerous we are going into a situation where we may give "flowers to monkeys". Monkeys of course delight on flowers their aroma, the colour and the sheer beauty but soon crush it as it is of no use to them - that Malay proverb will become a reality if due care is not taken in the formation of the next government.
Projects may be revived and at what cost, is the City in the Jungle going to be revived, if it is will the terms of "Malaysia My Second Home," scheme be reverted to the old one?
Will the government hold good on its promise to investors in that project where it is rumored that buyers of the houses would be given Permanent Residence status in the country?
A lot has to be looked into, there is a great risk this nation faces and the people who make the crucial decisions on the future of this country have to weigh their options with care and cast selfish self interest aside.
The nation is waiting anxiously, it is commonsense to have the party that has won the most seats present its proposal to form government first and that could even be a minority government, it has happened before in England when Harold Wilson of the Labour Party formed a minority government. /why are the losers being asked to do the same?
Anwar should be asked first to form the government and if he can't form the government then and only then should the next party be called, calling both parties together puts him at a disadvantage being the party with the highest number of seats he must be accorded the advantage of being called first.
We know how our politicians work, if he is called and if he has BN as Zaid is backing him, then others will follow, as it seems right now Muhyiddin is doing a back door come in again.
The results may be different if the announcement to call Anwar and PH to present their case to the King before any other move with any other political party, the Sarawak and Sabah parties would sway that is our politics in this country.
My earlier article titled UMNO, Bersatu, PAS in the Muafakat Nasional Jig and your choice in GE addressed and predicted this situation, a close friend of mine a Senior Pakattan Harapan member said I was talking nonsense, now the nonsense is unfolding right in front of our eyes.
Will Malaysia ever progress, with people who besides stealing the Nations wealth can also steal an Election